Akonadi POP3 does not try to authenticate anymore (SOLVED, no Akonadi issue)

Martin Steigerwald martin at lichtvoll.de
Sat Jul 22 20:32:15 BST 2017

Martin Steigerwald - 22.07.17, 21:15:
> Hello.
> Anyone ever got this? Excerpt from Dovecot POP3 log:
> Jul 22 21:11:38 mondschein dovecot: pop3-login: Aborted login (no auth
> attempts in 0 secs): user=<>, [… IPs …] Jul 22 21:11:38 mondschein dovecot:
> pop3-login: Aborted login (no auth attempts in 0 secs): user=<>, [… IPs …]

Mea culpa.

This has been a configuration issue with my dovecot server that only showed up 
just right now, despite it using the wrong configuration since upgrade from 
Debian 8 to 9. So or so it has nothing to do with Akonadi.

Mea culpa.

I stepped in the trap of thinking "this Akonadi thing again isn´t working" 


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