Problems at Kontact @ KDE 5/ Kubuntu 16.04. Can anybody help?!

Bas Roufs basroufs at
Fri Dec 9 17:40:36 GMT 2016

Hello Everybody.

At present, I am experiencing some problems with Kontact @ Kubuntu 16.04
along with KDE 5.

Let's start with the most urgent one. I do not manage so far to find out
how access my Gmail address book and calendar. Until version 14.04, this
was no problem - I installed akonadi-kde-resource-googledata and went to
System Settings > Personal or something like that. However, here at Kubuntu
16.04,akonadi-kde-resource-googledata is not in the repo any more. Via
Settings > Accounts, I activitated Google here at 16.04. However, I still
do not manage to access the address book and calendar from my main Gmail

Can anybody help?!


Bas G. Roufs.


Bas G. Roufs

Van 't Hoffstraat 1

NL- 3514 VT Utrecht

BasRoufs at

+31 6 446 835 10
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