[kdepim-users] KMail 4.13 upgrade: check for new mails minimum every 5 minutes?

Werner Joss werner at hoernerfranzracing.de
Sat Apr 19 17:09:44 BST 2014

Am Samstag, 19. April 2014, 14:10:00 schrieb Benedikt Engelhard:
> Hi,
> I've upgraded my Kubuntu to 14.04 and now have KMail 4.13.

same here
> I had to delete my Akonadi directory and do some of my configuration (yet)
> again, 

welcome to the club :)
this is something that should _NOT_ happen after an upgrade.

> but I'm delighted that ALL my mails got indexed in almost realtime
> and were instant searchable (and I could *find* emails with the search,
> too!) :) So, kudos to the developers, Baloo seems to work much much better!
> Anyway, I have an IMAP-Account, since push does not seem to work, I had set
> to check mails every minute. With 4.13 the lowest value for checking the
> inbox is 5 (Five!) Minutes. The control doesn't allow me to enter a lower
> value. How do I change that from a 5 to a 1 minute interval?

the check interval seems to be the entry
not sure if a hand edited value of 1 will last, though.


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