[kdepim-users] How to duplicate Akonadi/KMail configuration for testing?

Martin Steigerwald Martin at lichtvoll.de
Sun Oct 6 14:17:41 BST 2013


Some of you may remember my 1-byte mail file size problem when using CRM114 
filtering ([Bug 319226] New: produces 1-byte-sized files on failed move attempts 
while filtering). I have been copying my main accounts mail and recreated a 
fresh POP3 resource and imported all my filter rules and added the CRM114 rules 
with just a minor modification and I wasn´t able to reproduce the issue, 
filtering worked slow, but fine. (I used different POP3 account which got gets 
the same mail as my main POP3 account to ensure mails are safe.)

So I thought it might be best to reproduce with a clean 100% copy of my 
original setup. I did

 1141  rsync -aAHXSP --del martin/.local/share/akonadi martin2/.local/share
 1142  rsync -aAHXSP --del martin/.config/akonadi martin2/.config
 1143  rsync -aAHXSP martin/.kde/share/config/akonadi* martin2/.kde/share/config
 1144  rsync -aAHXSP --del martin/.local/share/local-mail 
 1147  rsync -aAHXSP martin/.kde/share/config/kmail* martin2/.kde/share/config
 1148  rsync -aAHXSP martin/.kde/share/config/email* martin2/.kde/share/config
 1150  chown -R martin2:martin2 martin2

while neither the Akonadi of martin nor the Akonadi of martin2 was running.

Still I get the Local Folders resources duplicated in the martin2 account and 
apparently mails duplicated as well while again I am thinking Akonadi can´t be 
serious about that.

I do have the exact same database, the exact same maildir, the exact same 
config – why on earth do I see two Local Folders resources? And why does 
Akonadi seem to copy all the mails from one of the Local Folders resources to 
the other (and filling the remainder of my /home with it)?

I sure hope that Akonadi doesn´t store any absolute directory paths in any 
configuration or database:

Well it does:

AkonadiAgentServer(7224): akonadi_ical_resource: Can't find incidence with uid  
"libkcal-224511270.1044" ; item.id() =  1 
ItemRetrieverException :  Unable to retrieve item from resource: 
<html>Ungültigen Eintrag erhalten</html>
akonadi_nepomuk_feeder(7228) FeederPluginloader::feederPluginsForMimeType: No 
feeder for type  "text/calendar"  found 
AkonadiAgentServer(7224): akonadi_ical_resource: Can't find incidence with uid  
"libkcal-224511270.1044" ; item.id() =  1 
ItemRetrieverException :  Unable to retrieve item from resource: 
<html>Ungültigen Eintrag erhalten</html>
Akonadi::GetLockJob::Private::timeout: Timeout trying to get lock. Check who 
has acquired the name "org.kde.pim.SpecialCollections" on DBus, using qdbus or 
Akonadi::SpecialCollectionsRequestJobPrivate::lockResult: Failed to get lock: 
"Zeitüberschreitung beim Erhalten der Sperre." 
OutboxQueue::Private::localFoldersRequestResult: Failed to get outbox folder. 
Retrying in:  5000 
AkonadiAgentServer(7225) MaildirResource::maildirForCollection: RID mismatch, 
is  "/home/martin/.local/share/local-mail"  expected  


So Akonadi maildir resource will break whenever a user name changes. Akonadi 
stores the path to the maildir resource in absolute form:

martin at merkaba:~/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/akonadi> LANG=C grep 
/home/martin/.local/share/local-mail *
Binary file collectiontable.ibd matches
Binary file parttable.ibd matches

I think thats a bug.

Anything related to Akonadi except socket file path is relative to $HOME, this 
is not. Why?

Akonadi::ResourceScanJob::Private::fetchResult: Resource has more than one 
root collection. I don't know what to do. 
akonadi_nepomuk_feeder(7228) Akonadi::NepomukFeederAgent::foundUnindexedItems: 
FindUnindexedItemsJob failed 

Is there a *defintive* and *complete* (!) guide where Akonadi stores its data? 
Actually I thought I knew it, but I think I still miss something.

How can I change that RID path?

After aborting this scenario I got 11GB for ~/.local/share/local-mail on both 
users, so there nothing seems to be duplicated, but I see:

merkaba:/home> du -sh martin/.local/share/akonadi/db_data 
1,5G    martin/.local/share/akonadi/db_data

merkaba:/home> du -sh martin2/.local/share/akonadi/db_data
1,8G    martin2/.local/share/akonadi/db_data

merkaba:/home> du -sh martin2/.local/share/akonadi/file_db_data 
204M    martin2/.local/share/akonadi/file_db_data

300 MiB additional stuff in database and 200 MiB in file_db_data when I just 
told Akonadi to use an existing and I thought *complete* configuration?

I really want a 100% copy of my original account so I can test out CRM114 
filter rules without risking any of my precious mails one again. I do not feel 
comfortable with testing with my main setup. I still use my I delete spam 
mails manually (!) work-around there.

This still is with KDE SC 4.10, but I intend to install KDE SC 4.11 + newer 
Akonadi from Debian experimental soonish.

Filed as:


Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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