[kdepim-users] Success with Kontact/4.8.2

Markus Feilner lists at feilner-it.net
Mon Apr 23 15:20:00 BST 2012

Am Montag, 23. April 2012, 16:01:51 schrieb Till Adam:
> On Apr 23, 2012, at 3:55 PM, Markus Feilner wrote:
> > So is this news correct?
> > http://www.linux-magazin.de/NEWS/Kontact-Kmail-KDE-4.9-behebt-Bug-in-
> > automatischer-Adressvervollstaendigung
> It would be good if someone other than me (who made the changes) could
> confirm that it works for them, in what will be 4.9, just to make sure.
> There's also no need to single me out, as an individual, so how about
> referring to "the KDEPIM developers" instead? 4.9 will contain many fixes
> by many people in many areas, it's a group effort.

I know, but you have the scapegoat now - since your e-mail is the only 
reference I had during writing this mail. Sorry, I do not want to single out 
someone, but I have to link to the facts... :-)

> Thanks for publicizing good news about Kontact, Markus, it does help.

Thanks again to all of you for doing such a good job!

> Till
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Best Regards - Mit freundlichen Grüßen, 

Markus Feilner

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