[kdepim-users] kmailrc non-configuration data?

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at kde.org
Mon Sep 12 22:09:21 BST 2011

On Thursday 08 September 2011, Martin Bernreuther wrote:
> Hello,
> I know this is not the developer mailing list, but I'm pretty sure
> that there're quite a few KMail experts around here as well...
> I'm struggling with a quite unstable OpenSUSE 11.4 KDE 4.6.5 and
> Kontact 4.4.11 environment, where kmail sometimes freezes and has to
> be manually killed. (This is frustrating and I'm glad that I stuck
> to an old KDE3.5 at work, which is quite stable...) But kmail also
> might get killed, if a session is ended without stopping kmail
> before.
> I realized that my kmail configuration got corrupted and I
> found entries in ~/.kde4/share/config/kmailrc or emailidentities,
> which caused a strange behaviour of kmail.
> Recently emailidentities contained e.g.
>  Drafts=340
>  Fcc=343
>  Templates=337
> instead of
>  Drafts=drafts
>  Fcc=sent-mail
>  Templates=templates
> but I don't know where that came from...

Hmm. Could it be that the migration to KMail2 was attempted?

> Write access to a configuration file is only necessary,
> if the settings are changed by the user. However
> $ stat ~/.kde4/share/config/kmailrc
> will e.g. show a modification time, which
> seems to be more related to the last server access.
> A home directory might run out of disc space or quota
> and it is also critical, if you try to write files then...
> Looking inside kmailrc, there are entries
> like TotalMsgs or StorageQuotaUsage (for Folders),
> which seems to get updated every time, when kmail
> checks the mail servers.
> Is this really *configuration* data? (or caching data)
> If not: why is this stored in a config file then?

The simple answer is: Bad "design" decision in the past. In the past we 
used kmailrc for any (cached) information that we wanted to have 
available immediately after the start of KMail.

> P.S.:
> Is it critical that .local/share/akonadi/akonadi*.error.old tells me
> D-Bus session bus went down - quitting
> all the time? After I re-enabled Nepomuk (why do I need that?)
> some other akonadi complaints stopped at least.
> Is there a GUI for the akonadi configuration or is it necessary to
> edit the files at ~/.config and ~/.kde4/share/config/.?

For things a normal user needs to edit there should be a GUI. For expert 
users there is akonadiconsole. For gurus there are config files. Nepomuk 
is a crucial ingredient for Akonadi. Without Nepomuk things like 
searching and tagging do not work.

> Can I get around akonadi using kmail 1.13.7?

In this version, only the address book requires Akonadi. Everything else 
works without Akonadi.

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