[kdepim-users] akonadi migration 4.4 rc2 -> 4.4
Art Alexion
art.alexion at verizon.net
Sat Feb 13 15:39:09 GMT 2010
On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 10:18 AM, Werner Joss
<werner at hoernerfranzracing.de> wrote:
> Am Saturday 13 February 2010 15:45:59 schrieb Art Alexion:
>> Trying this. How long does
>> nepomukservicestub nepomukstorage
>> take to run?
> should run immediately, after login.
>> Stuck on the following lines:
>> "/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub(17956)" Error in thread 3045906272 :
>> "storage: BDB V4.1+ open of
>> '/home/arthur/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk/repository/main/data/redland/soprano-
>> sp2o.db' failed - No such file or directory (error)"
>> (Soprano::Redland) "storage: BDB V4.1+ open of
>> '/home/arthur/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk/repository/main/data/redland/soprano-
>> sp2o.db' failed - No such file or directory (error)"
>> "/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub(17956)" Error in thread 3045906272 :
>> "storage: BDB V4.1+ open of
>> '/home/arthur/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk/repository/main/data/redland/soprano-
>> sp2o.db' failed - No such file or directory (error)"
>> nepomukstorage(17956) Nepomuk::Repository::open: Unable to convert old
>> model: cound not load old backend "redland"
>> nepomukstorage(17956)/nepomuk (storage service)
>> Nepomuk::Storage::slotNepomukCoreInitialized: Failed to initialize
>> nepomuk core
> looks like the deprecated redland database backend should be activated, but
> fails.
> afaik, nepomuk should not be using redland anymore, only virtuoso, see
> http://trueg.wordpress.com/2010/01/26/what-we-did-last-summer-and-the-rest-
> of-2009-a-look-back-onto-the-nepomuk-development-year-with-an-obscenely-long-
> title/
I am going to see if I downloaded the packages correctly and try
logging out and back in.
>> Can't tell whether it is running or just stuck.
> that is easy to check: 'ps axf | grep nepomuk' should give something like
> this:
> 5001 pts/1 S+ 0:00 | \_ grep nepomuk
> 1704 ? Sl 0:18 \_ /usr/bin/akonadi_nepomuk_contact_feeder --
> identifier akonadi_nepomuk_contact_feeder
> 2334 ? Sl 0:00 /usr/bin/nepomukserver
> 2336 ? Sl 16:35 \_ /usr/bin/nepomukservicestub nepomukstorage
It was stuck. I have gotten so lazy with htop, that I forgot about
basic ps. I had checked htop and couldn't find it (likely because it
was running but not going anywhere. I killed it and got the message
nepomukstorage(17956)/nepomuk (storage service)
Nepomuk::Repository::~Repository: "main"
nepomukstorage(17956)/nepomuk (storage service)
Nepomuk::Repository::close: "main"
virtual Soprano::ODBC::Connection::~Connection() QThread(0x9065058)
Shutting down virtuoso instance 17961
Virtuoso server stopped: 0
sent unsigned from webmail interface
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