[kdepim-users] KMail Filter to Copy Attachment to File System

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at kde.org
Tue Nov 3 19:39:29 GMT 2009

On Tuesday 03 November 2009, Peter Hargreaves wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> For my paperless office:
> I have a number of accounts that email statements to me as Adobe pdf
> attachements.
> I already filter to save these emails to an appropriate mail folder.
> I'd also like to filter these emails to save the 'statement.pdf'
> attachement to my file system.
> Is there a way to do this?

Since it is possible to create a filter which passes the whole message 
to another application or script this is, in theory, possible. In 
practice, I'm not aware of the existence of a suitable script.

> If not I'd like to request this feature. Can I do it here?

No. Please submit your feature request at http://bugs.kde.org (or via 
Help->Report Bug)

To be honest, I don't think this can be implemented as a hard-coded 
filter action in KMail as this is a very special use case which would 
need to be very flexible to be useful for other people with different 
demands. I think the better approach would indeed be the usage of a 
specially crafted script tailored for your needs in combination with a 
generic "Execute Command" or "Pipe Through" filter.

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