[kdepim-users] permanently setting page margins for printing

Martin Bernreuther MartinBern at web.de
Sat Mar 14 23:54:16 GMT 2009


Am Samstag, 14. März 2009 schrieb Ingo Klöcker:
> Hmm, in KDE 3.5 the dialog where one can change the page margins has a 
> Save button.
> Did you have a look into the printer settings in KDE System Settings?

What about, if I only want to change the margins application specific in kmail?
To file a printed email, I need a relative large left margin. I don't want to have
that large left margin, if I print a printer-ready PDF with kpdf.
There's a printer-specific margin (the printer is not able to print within a
certain distance from the edge) and a layout margin.
Do the KDE System Settings address the first or also the latter?

	Martin Bernreuther
Martin Bernreuther	MartinBern at web.de
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