[kdepim-users] Abandoned categories?

phep phep-lists at teletopie.net
Fri Jan 30 20:53:39 GMT 2009

Dotan Cohen a écrit :
> With the assumption that you are familiar with XKCD and slashdot:
> I use butterflies, you insensitive clod!

Presuming I'm not the only one who have abandonned reading slashdot (out
of some lazyness, knowing that stuff that matters always eventually ends
in some mailing-list I'm subscribed to) and only occasionally have a
look at xkcd (fearing never going back to work), I don't resist to point
the even-lazier-than-me ones there to
http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/real_programmers.png so that they will get
what Dotan is alluding in his message without having to google around
for it :-)

Thanks for the burst of laughter Dotan !

> Thanks, I will go through that file this evening. I did not realize
> that it would be explicitly marked as ABANDONED anywhere.

As Ingo already pointed out 'abandonned' was just a placeholder ;-)


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