[kdepim-users] kArm 1.6.0 idletimedetector / Desktop Idle

Nick Woolley nickwoolley at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Oct 23 12:07:14 BST 2008


I have just subscribed to say, yes, I've just started seeing this 
behaviour.  Karm was working fine until a few days ago, perhaps one of 
the updates broke it, or perhaps something else.

Now it prompts me as being idle every minute or so, but not always. 
Seems that it's happy right now, but sometimes I can be typing and have 
it pop up and say "you have been idle since <1 minute ago>".

This is on Kubuntu Hardy:

$ karm --version
Qt: 3.3.8b
KDE: 3.5.10
KArm: 1.6.0

$ uname -a
Linux soba 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Wed Aug 20 22:56:21 UTC 2008 i686 

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