[kdepim-users] Understanding recurring ToDo items

phep phep-lists at teletopie.net
Fri Mar 21 20:55:46 GMT 2008

Dotan Cohen a écrit :
> In my opinion, a recurring item is 'done' until the recursion period
> resets. It then becomes undone. If I need to check my postal mail once
> a week, then on Sunday I expect the "Check Post" item to be unchecked.
> When I finally get around to it on Thursday and mark the item 'done' I
> expect it to stay done. Until next Sunday.

OK, I finally caught what you meant.

By the way there is something that I think could be considered as a bug 
in korganizer weekly view regarding recurring items:
1) create a weekly recurring item with a due date for today.
2) in the weekly view, the first occurence appears with a red check mark
3) edit the item and mark it as done
4) the check mark is still red in the week view (which is perfectly 
wrong as we just marked this occurence "done") while it shows green in 
the monthly view (which is correct) with the future occurences being red 
(correct too).

End of the parenthesis; back to your RFE.

The only problem I see now with what you propose is that, as there is 
only one line that can be presently dedicated to each item in the task 
list view (which is the one you seem interested in) if the item at 100% 
appears as checked from thursday to saturday (refering to your example) 
it cannot appear as 0% down the list for the next due date (i.e. sunday) 
which might not be what some people are looking for.

I, for one, would not be bothered with your proposed behaviour for my 
usual weekly items (which I only care of on due date) but it would 
disturb me for monthly tasks and even more for some items recurring 
through some odd patterns that I have that I want to be somehow visible 
some days before their due date. And while I'm at it, thank you 
korganizer guys for your recurrence tab features, it really rocks !

After reading Ingo's answer, I wonder if the best way to configure this 
would not be in the filter configuration dialog with one more check box 
along the "Hide recurring item not yet to be done" line (or "outside of 
their start/due date period"). This way it would be easy to switch from 
one type of view to the other, without bothering fixing the option each 
time a new recurring item is created. Not yet quite sure about it...

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