[kdepim-users] Inline images in KMail

Kishore kitts.mailinglists at gmail.com
Thu Jul 31 18:05:06 BST 2008

On Thursday 31 Jul 2008 9:27:04 am Kevin Gilbert wrote:
>   Hi,
> Just had my first look at KMail under KDE4.1.
> The first thing I looked for was the facility to create messages with
> inline images & other attachments. Unfortunately, that facility still
> doesn't exist! :(
> See http://lists.kde.org/?l=kdepim-users&m=115145060532073&w=2 for a
> message on the same topic I posted on 2006-06-27.
> Are there any plans to include this?
> KMail lags far behind other Email clients in this regard - both Outlook &
> Thunderbird can do this.
> Is there anything I can do to help? Happy to have a hack if someone will
> point me in the right direction

I do not know much about this but this is basically to do with the kmail's 
composer. AFAIK in kdepim4, the composer uses a WYSIWYG like html editor 
component (webkit based?). I would think that it is this widget that is 
lacking the feature. It would be really helpful if this widget can be made 
feature complete allowing full HTML support.
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