[kdepim-users] Kmail with IMAP and Spamassassin: the story continues

Cam Ellison cam at ellisonpsychology.ca
Mon Feb 18 05:50:30 GMT 2008

On Thursday 14 February 2008 07:45:25 Anne Wilson wrote:

> Spam filters generally work best if they are trained on both ham and
> spam.  I use bogofilter, so I have two folders - bogotrain_ham and
> bogotrain_ham. When I have a week or two's mis-tagged stuff I then
> run the command that works on both folders - in this case it's
> /usr/share/bogofilter/contrib/contrib/trainbogo.sh -c -H
> /home/anne/Maildir/.INBOX.bogotrain_ham/cur/ -S
> /home/anne/Maildir/.INBOX.bogotrain_spam/cur
> I don't know the command for salearn, but I'm sure it will do
> something similar.

I use the following, and a few others, in a script placed 
in /etc/cron.daily:

sa-learn --spam --dir /var/spool/sa-exim/SApermreject/new | mail 
cam -s"SA PermReject"

That's all in one line.  It does the job and reports what it has done on 
a daily basis.  Note that you need to set up SA to categorize: 
SApermreject, SAteergrube, etc.  For my part, I just make sure that I 
have sent spam that has been missed to a mail folder that the script 
checks.  I don't usually bother training it with ham, since I have so 
few false positives, and trained it on setup with several hundred known 
ham messages.



Cam Ellison  Ph.D.  R.Psych. #01417

Cam Ellison & Associates Ltd.
Management Psychology

3446 Beach Avenue
Roberts Creek  BC  V0N 2W2

Phone: 604.885.4806
Fax:   604.885.4809
Cell:  604.989.0635

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