[kdepim-users] Failures burning with K3b

Stan Goodman stan.goodman at hashkedim.com
Wed Dec 24 19:03:37 GMT 2008

At 15:41:11 on Wednesday Wednesday 24 December 2008, Anne Wilson 
<cannewilson at googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Wednesday 24 December 2008 11:42:02 Stan Goodman wrote:
> > The system is openSuSE v10.3.
> >
> > Yesterday I downloaded to iso images openSuSE v11.1, for 32-bit and
> > 64-bit architectures; all yielded correct MD5 results in K3b.
> >
> > I first burned the 64-bit image, checking the "Verify" box. When the
> > operation was over, there was an announcement that there was "nothing
> > to verify".
> >
> > I repeated the operation with the 32-bit image; at the end of the
> > operation, the disk was ejected and there was a laughter sound to
> > inform me of an error, so the verification failed.
> >
> > I repeated this operation, without verification. At the end, K3b
> > announced that it had been completed successfully. But both of these
> > disks failed to boot the T21 laptop for which they were intended.
> > When either of them is inserted into a running open SuSE system, the
> > system seems to inspect them normally, but the CDROM drive does not
> > appear in the "Disk information" list in Konqueror.
> >
> > When I insert the 64-bit disk into the T21, it does boot the machine,
> > and correctly announces that it cannot be used in that 32-bit
> > machine. Either K3b has become corrupted or the drive has become
> > defective; the drive reads normally. Short of substituting a new
> > drive, is there a practical way to determine which?
> >
> > I also tried to burn a DVD with some ordinary (non-image) files. This
> > two resulted in the laughter. When I insert it into the drive in
> > order to try to inspect it, the drive's activity LED never goes off,
> > so I have no idea what is there, except that I have made another
> > coaster.
> Stan, while your diagnosis may be right, there could be other reasons
> for the failure to boot.  I'd suggest that you should run md4sum (or
> sha1sum) on both the iso and the /dev/cdrom or wherever your disk will
> be found.  After that you'll know for sure whether it's a bad burn or
> something else.
> There are known problems with verification on some k3b installations -
> I don't know whether they are hardware or software caused.
> Anne

In hope of achieving more analytical insight to the problem, here is some 
debug output from K3b. I would be grateful for some comments that would 
help me decipher it, but my impression is that K3b is unhappy with 
signals that it is getting from the drive. Is that what others see?

:~> (K3bDevice::HalConnection) initializing HAL >= 0.5
Mapping udi /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_CD/DVDW_SD_R5372 to 
device /dev/sr0
/dev/sr0 resolved to /dev/sr0
/dev/sr0 is block device (0)
/dev/sr0 seems to be cdrom
bus: 0, id: 0, lun: 0
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: init()
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0 feature: CD Mastering
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0 feature: CD Track At Once
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0 feature: DVD+R
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0 feature: DVD+RW
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0 feature: DVD+R Double Layer
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0 feature: DVD-R/-RW Write
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0 feature: Rigid Restricted Overwrite
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: dataLen: 60
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: checking for TAO
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: checking for SAO
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: checking for SAO_R96P
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: checking for SAO_R96R
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: checking for RAW_R16
(K3bDevice::ScsiCommand) failed:
                           command:    MODE SELECT (55)
                           errorcode:  70
                           sense key:  ILLEGAL REQUEST (5)
                           asc:        26
                           ascq:       0
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: checking for RAW_R96P
(K3bDevice::ScsiCommand) failed:
                           command:    MODE SELECT (55)
                           errorcode:  70
                           sense key:  ILLEGAL REQUEST (5)
                           asc:        26
                           ascq:       0
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: checking for RAW_R96R
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: GET PERFORMANCE dataLen = 104
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: GET PERFORMANCE successful with reported 
length: 100
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0:  Number of supported write speeds via GET 
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0 : 22160 KB/s
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0 : 16620 KB/s
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0 : 11080 KB/s
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0 : 8310 KB/s
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0 : 5540 KB/s
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0 : 3324 KB/s
(K3bDevice::DeviceManager) setting current write speed of device /dev/sr0 
to 22160
/dev/sr0 resolved to /dev/sr0
(K3bDevice::DeviceManager) dev /dev/sr0 already found
(K3bDevice::DeviceManager) found config entry for devicetype: TOSHIBA 
Blockdevice:    /dev/sr0
Generic device:
Vendor:         TOSHIBA
Description:    CD/DVDW SD-R5372
Version:        TU53
Write speed:    22160
Profiles:       DVD-ROM, DVD-R Sequential, DVD-RW Restricted Overwrite, 
DVD-RW Sequential, DVD+RW, DVD+R, DVD+R Dual Layer, CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW
Read Cap:       DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-R Sequential, DVD-RW, DVD-RW 
Restricted Overwrite, DVD-RW Sequential, DVD+RW, DVD+R, DVD+R Dual Layer, 
Write Cap:      DVD-R, DVD-R Sequential, DVD-RW, DVD-RW Restricted 
Overwrite, DVD-RW Sequential, DVD+RW, DVD+R, DVD+R Dual Layer, CD-R, 
Writing modes:  SAO, TAO, RAW, SAO/R96P, SAO/R96R, RAW/R96R, Restricted 
Reader aliases: /dev/sr0
First sec data area: 43:41:33 (LBA 196608) (402653184
Last sec data area: 538:15:18 (LBA 2422143) (4960548864 Bytes)
Last sec layer 1: 00:00:00 (LBA 0) (0 Bytes)
Layer 1 length: 00:00:01 (LBA 1) (2048 Bytes)
Layer 2 length: 538:15:18 (LBA 2422143) (4960548864 Bytes)
Mediatype:       DVD+R
Current Profile: DVD+R
Disk state:      complete
Empty:           0
Rewritable:      0
Appendable:      0
Sessions:        1
Tracks:          1
Layers:          1
Capacity:        494:33:61 (LBA 2225536) (4557897728 Bytes)
Remaining size:  00:00:00 (LBA 0) (0 Bytes)
Used Size:       494:33:61 (LBA 2225536) (4557897728 Bytes)
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: GET PERFORMANCE dataLen = 104
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: GET PERFORMANCE successful with reported 
length: 100
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0:  Number of supported write speeds via GET 
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0 : 22160 KB/s
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0 : 16620 KB/s
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0 : 11080 KB/s
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0 : 8310 KB/s
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0 : 5540 KB/s
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0 : 3324 KB/s
(K3bDevice::ScsiCommand) failed:
                           command:    READ (10) (28)
                           errorcode:  72
                           sense key:  NO SENSE (2)
                           asc:        0
                           ascq:       2
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: READ 10 failed!
(K3bDevice::ScsiCommand) failed:
                           command:    READ (10) (28)
                           errorcode:  72
                           sense key:  NO SENSE (2)
                           asc:        0
                           ascq:       2
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: READ 10 failed!
(K3bDevice::ScsiCommand) failed:
                           command:    READ (10) (28)
                           errorcode:  72
                           sense key:  NO SENSE (2)
                           asc:        0
                           ascq:       2
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: READ 10 failed!
(K3bDevice::ScsiCommand) failed:
                           command:    READ (10) (28)
                           errorcode:  72
                           sense key:  NO SENSE (2)
                           asc:        0
                           ascq:       2
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: READ 10 failed!
(K3bDevice::ScsiCommand) failed:
                           command:    READ (10) (28)
                           errorcode:  72
                           sense key:  NO SENSE (2)
                           asc:        0
                           ascq:       2
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: READ 10 failed!
(K3bDevice::ScsiCommand) failed:
                           command:    READ (10) (28)
                           errorcode:  72
                           sense key:  NO SENSE (2)
                           asc:        0
                           ascq:       2
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: READ 10 failed!
(K3bDevice::ScsiCommand) failed:
                           command:    READ (10) (28)
                           errorcode:  72
                           sense key:  NO SENSE (2)
                           asc:        0
                           ascq:       2
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: READ 10 failed!
(K3bDevice::ScsiCommand) failed:
                           command:    READ (10) (28)
                           errorcode:  72
                           sense key:  NO SENSE (2)
                           asc:        0
                           ascq:       2
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: READ 10 failed!
(K3bDevice::ScsiCommand) failed:
                           command:    READ (10) (28)
                           errorcode:  72
                           sense key:  NO SENSE (2)
                           asc:        0
                           ascq:       2
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: READ 10 failed!
(K3bDevice::ScsiCommand) failed:
                           command:    READ (10) (28)
                           errorcode:  72
                           sense key:  NO SENSE (2)
                           asc:        0
                           ascq:       2
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: READ 10 failed!
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: GET CONFIGURATION length det failed.
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: GET CONFIGURATION length det failed.
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: GET CONFIGURATION length det failed.
QGDict::hashKeyString: Invalid null key
QGDict::hashKeyString: Invalid null key
(K3bDevice::ScsiCommand) failed:
                           command:    READ TOC/PMA/ATIP (43)
                           errorcode:  70
                           sense key:  ILLEGAL REQUEST (5)
                           asc:        24
                           ascq:       0
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: READ TOC/PMA/ATIP length det failed.
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: READ TOC/PMA/ATIP invalid length returned: 4
(K3bDevice::ScsiCommand) failed:
                           command:    READ TOC/PMA/ATIP (43)
                           errorcode:  70
                           sense key:  ILLEGAL REQUEST (5)
                           asc:        24
                           ascq:       0
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: READ TOC/PMA/ATIP format 4 with real length 
65536 failed.
(K3bDevice::ScsiCommand) failed:
                           command:    READ TOC/PMA/ATIP (43)
                           errorcode:  70
                           sense key:  ILLEGAL REQUEST (5)
                           asc:        24
                           ascq:       0
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: READ TOC/PMA/ATIP length det failed.
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: READ TOC/PMA/ATIP invalid length returned: 4
(K3bDevice::ScsiCommand) failed:
                           command:    READ TOC/PMA/ATIP (43)
                           errorcode:  70
                           sense key:  ILLEGAL REQUEST (5)
                           asc:        24
                           ascq:       0
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: READ TOC/PMA/ATIP format 4 with real length 
65536 failed.
(K3bDevice::Device) READ CAPACITY: 76:13:14 other capacity: 00:00:00
(K3bDevice::Device) READ CAPACITY: 76:13:14 other capacity: 00:00:00
Mediatype:       CD-ROM
Current Profile: CD-ROM
Disk state:      complete
Empty:           0
Rewritable:      0
Appendable:      0
Sessions:        1
Tracks:          1
Layers:          1
Capacity:        76:13:15 (LBA 342990) (702443520 Bytes)
Remaining size:  00:00:00 (LBA 0) (0 Bytes)
Used Size:       76:13:15 (LBA 342990) (702443520 Bytes)
(K3bDevice::ScsiCommand) failed:
                           command:    READ TOC/PMA/ATIP (43)
                           errorcode:  70
                           sense key:  ILLEGAL REQUEST (5)
                           asc:        24
                           ascq:       0
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: READ TOC/PMA/ATIP length det failed.
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: READ TOC/PMA/ATIP invalid length returned: 4
(K3bDevice::ScsiCommand) failed:
                           command:    READ TOC/PMA/ATIP (43)
                           errorcode:  70
                           sense key:  ILLEGAL REQUEST (5)
                           asc:        24
                           ascq:       0
(K3bDevice::Device) /dev/sr0: READ TOC/PMA/ATIP format 4 with real length 
65536 failed.
Session |  ADR   | CONTROL|  TNO   | POINT  |  Min   |  Sec   | Frame  |  
Zero  |  PMIN  |  PSEC  | PFRAME |
      1 |      1 |      4 |      0 |     a0 |      0 |      0 |      0 |      
0 |      1 |      0 |      0 |
      1 |      1 |      4 |      0 |     a1 |      0 |      0 |      0 |      
0 |      1 |      0 |      0 |
      1 |      1 |      4 |      0 |     a2 |      0 |      0 |      0 |      
0 |     76 |     15 |     15 |
      1 |      1 |      4 |      0 |      1 |      0 |      0 |      0 |      
0 |      0 |      2 |      0 |
(K3bDevice::Device) found invalid bcd values. No bcd toc.
/dev/sr0: setting last sector of last track to 342989
adding udi   /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_label_D915G
removing udi /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_label_D915G
Stan Goodman
Qiryat Tiv'on
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