[akregator] [Bug 420797] Akregator adds empty item in new folder

Carl Schwan bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Mon Dec 23 08:59:03 GMT 2024


Carl Schwan <carl at carlschwan.eu> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED
             Status|ASSIGNED                    |RESOLVED
      Latest Commit|                            |https://invent.kde.org/pim/
                   |                            |akregator/-/commit/0c869e02
                   |                            |caea41421d6a54feb2b03e3ec3a
                   |                            |a9030

--- Comment #3 from Carl Schwan <carl at carlschwan.eu> ---
Git commit 0c869e02caea41421d6a54feb2b03e3ec3aa9030 by Carl Schwan, on behalf
of Wendi Gan.
Committed on 23/12/2024 at 08:54.
Pushed by carlschwan into branch 'master'.

Fix extra empty line when adding a new feed

When a new folder is created and a feed or folder is inserted into it, an extra
empty line appears.
This happens because, in Folder::insertChild and Folder::prependChild, the node
is added to m_children first. If the folder is newly created, during
QSortFilterProxyModelPrivate::create_mapping calls
SubscriptionListModel::rowCount, which counts one extra row, leading to an
extra empty line.
This commit modifies rowCount to decrement by 1 during insertion.
Related: bug 407935, bug 412215

M  +9    -2    src/subscription/subscriptionlistmodel.cpp
M  +1    -0    src/subscription/subscriptionlistmodel.h


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