[Akonadi] [Bug 492120] crash on parsing outlook event

Allen Winter bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Sat Aug 24 17:24:48 BST 2024


Allen Winter <winter at kde.org> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |winter at kde.org

--- Comment #1 from Allen Winter <winter at kde.org> ---
A few observations:

As a libical guy, I can see right away that the calendar string is invalid
since it doesn't end with a "END:VCALENDAR\r\n"

then looking in EwsFetchCalendarDetailJob::processItems() I see
format.fromString(memcal, mimeContent); not being checked for a failure return
and then properly handled.

maybe something as simple as
`if(!format.fromString(memcal, mimeContent) continue;`
or somesuch

anyway, I can't help test and I'm not up on Akonadi either.
this one interested me because I thought it might point to a bug in libical.  I
don't that that's the case.

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