[korganizer] [Bug 436812] Event not shown in KOrganizer, when my mail address is in in the ATTENDEE list

Dr. Michael Hälsig bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Thu May 20 08:10:50 BST 2021


--- Comment #4 from Dr. Michael Hälsig <michael.haelsig at online.de> ---
This seems to be the root of the problem: KOrganizer does not display events,
where I as participant have not accepted the event. 

The Use Case is the following: I get an invitation (in this case from a
Microsoft dominated environment). Even when I get the 'Accept Dialogue', and
accept the invitation, the event is not shown in KOrganizer, but in the other
synchronized calendars. Therefore I import the .ics File, but, as we both see,
the event is not shown due to the Participation Status. 

==> My conclusion: KOrganizer should display the event in any case, probably in
another form, when my Participation Status is 'NEEDS ACTION', combined with the
possibility to accept. I do not see a calendar view, where events of this type
are included.

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