[kmailtransport] [Bug 400195] Some emails stays in outgoing folder

Samuel Gilbert bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Fri Jun 19 17:21:01 BST 2020


Samuel Gilbert <samuel.gilbert at usherbrooke.ca> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |samuel.gilbert at usherbrooke.
                   |                            |ca

--- Comment #4 from Samuel Gilbert <samuel.gilbert at usherbrooke.ca> ---
I have the same issue with a Gmail account in Kmail 5.14.2(20.04.2) on Linux
(x86_64) release 5.7.4-arch1-1

Outgoing mail server: smtp.gmail.com
Encryption: STARTTLS
Port: 587
Authentication: XOAUTH2

Some mails will be sent right away, but after a while, they just sit in the
outbox.  It take a long time, but I eventually get a notification informing me
that sending has failed: "Failed to transport message.  The remote host closed
the connection."

I believe this is a problem with Kmail or the mail transport agent since the
mails get sent right away after a reboot.  I tried to kill the
akonadi_maildispatcher_agent process, but even if it re-spawns automatically,
sending the queued messages doesn't work.

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