[Akonadi] [Bug 326815] Akonadi Nepomuk Tags crashes on startup

Vojtěch Zeisek Vojtech.Zeisek at opensuse.org
Thu Oct 31 14:33:10 GMT 2013


--- Comment #2 from Vojtěch Zeisek <Vojtech.Zeisek at opensuse.org> ---
$ export AKONADI_DEBUG_WAIT=nepomuktag.
$ ps -ef | grep akonadi_control
vojta    16394     1  0 15:25 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/akonadi_control
vojta    17403 16723  0 15:27 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto
$ akonadictl stop
$ akonadi_control
Connecting to deprecated signal
search paths:  ("/usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi/bin", "/home/vojta/bin",
"/usr/local/bin", "/usr/bin", "/bin", "/usr/bin/X11", "/usr/X11R6/bin",
"/usr/games", "/opt/bin", "/opt/kde3/bin", "/sbin", "/usr/sbin",
"/home/vojta/bin", "/home/vojta/bin/blast/bin", "/sbin", "/usr/sbin",
"/home/vojta/bin", "/home/vojta/bin/blast/bin", "/usr/sbin", "/usr/local/sbin",
"/usr/local/libexec", "/usr/libexec", "/opt/mysql/libexec",
"/opt/local/lib/mysql5/bin", "/opt/mysql/sbin")                                 
akonadi.collectionattributetable                   OK                           
akonadi.collectionmimetyperelation                 OK                           
akonadi.collectionpimitemrelation                  OK                           
akonadi.collectiontable                            OK                           
akonadi.flagtable                                  OK                           
akonadi.mimetypetable                              OK                           
akonadi.parttable                                  OK                           
akonadi.pimitemflagrelation                        OK                           
akonadi.pimitemtable                               OK                           
akonadi.resourcetable                              OK                           
akonadi.schemaversiontable                         OK                           
mysql.columns_priv                                 OK                           
mysql.db                                           OK                           
mysql.event                                        OK                           
mysql.func                                         OK                           
mysql.help_category                                OK                           
mysql.help_keyword                                 OK                           
mysql.help_relation                                OK                           
mysql.help_topic                                   OK                           
mysql.host                                         OK                           
mysql.ndb_binlog_index                             OK                           
mysql.plugin                                       OK                           
mysql.proc                                         OK
mysql.procs_priv                                   OK
mysql.proxies_priv                                 OK
mysql.servers                                      OK
mysql.tables_priv                                  OK
mysql.time_zone                                    OK
mysql.time_zone_leap_second                        OK
mysql.time_zone_name                               OK
mysql.time_zone_transition                         OK
mysql.time_zone_transition_type                    OK
mysql.user                                         OK
Connecting to deprecated signal
The query MUST contain exactly one required property
(http://akonadi-project.org/ontologies/aneo#akonadiItemId), if another property
is additionally requested or the akonadiItemId is missing the search will fail
(due to this hack) 
"select distinct ?r ?reqProp1
?v10),bif:search_excerpt(bif:vector('Kuldicka'), ?v6))) as ?_n_f_t_m_ex_ wh" 
search paths:  ("/usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi/bin", "/home/vojta/bin",
"/usr/local/bin", "/usr/bin", "/bin", "/usr/bin/X11", "/usr/X11R6/bin",
"/usr/games", "/opt/bin", "/opt/kde3/bin", "/sbin", "/usr/sbin",
"/home/vojta/bin", "/home/vojta/bin/blast/bin", "/sbin", "/usr/sbin",
"/home/vojta/bin", "/home/vojta/bin/blast/bin") 
search paths:  ("/home/vojta/.kde4/lib64/kde4/plugins/",
"/usr/lib64/kde4/plugins/", "/usr/lib64/qt4/plugins", "/usr/bin",
"/usr/lib64/kde4/plugins", "/home/vojta/.kde4/lib64/kde4/", "/usr/lib64/kde4/") 
Akonadi::AgentManagerPrivate::createDBusInterface: AgentManager failed to get a
valid AgentManager DBus interface. Error is: 1
"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner" "Could not get owner of name
'org.freedesktop.Akonadi.Control': no such name" 
search paths:  ("/home/vojta/.kde4/lib64/kde4/plugins/",
"/usr/lib64/kde4/plugins/", "/usr/lib64/qt4/plugins", "/usr/bin",
"/usr/lib64/kde4/plugins", "/home/vojta/.kde4/lib64/kde4/", "/usr/lib64/kde4/") 
search paths:  ("/home/vojta/.kde4/lib64/kde4/plugins/",
"/usr/lib64/kde4/plugins/", "/usr/lib64/qt4/plugins", "/usr/bin",
"/usr/lib64/kde4/plugins", "/home/vojta/.kde4/lib64/kde4/", "/usr/lib64/kde4/") 
"Cannot connect to agent instance with identifier 'akonadi_imap_resource_14',
error message: 'Could not get owner of name
'org.freedesktop.Akonadi.Resource.akonadi_imap_resource_14': no such name'"
"Cannot connect to agent instance with identifier 'akonadi_imap_resource_14',
error message: 'Could not get owner of name
'org.freedesktop.Akonadi.Resource.akonadi_imap_resource_14': no such name'"
akonadi_kabc_resource_1(17622)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::removeEntry:
doesn't know "/home/vojta/.kde4/share/apps/kabc" 
akonadi_nepomuk_feeder(17629) FeederPluginloader::feederPluginsForMimeType: No
feeder for type  "application/x-vnd.kde.notes"  found 
akonadi_nepomuk_feeder(17629) FeederPluginloader::feederPluginsForMimeType: No
feeder for type  "text/calendar"  found 
akonadi_nepomuk_feeder(17629) FeederPluginloader::feederPluginsForMimeType: No
feeder for type  "application/x-xbel"  found 
akonadi_nepomuk_feeder(17629) FeederPluginloader::feederPluginsForMimeType: No
feeder for type  "application/x-vnd.akonadi.collection.virtual"  found 
Qt has caught an exception thrown from an event handler. Throwing
exceptions from an event handler is not supported in Qt. You must
reimplement QApplication::notify() and catch all exceptions there.

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Akonadi::Exception'
  what():  Akonadi::Exception: No remote identifier specified
KCrash: Application 'akonadi_nepomuktag_resource' crashing...
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib64/kde4/libexec/drkonqi from kdeinit
ProcessControl: Application '/usr/bin/akonadi_nepomuktag_resource' returned
with exit code 253 (Unknown error)
Qt has caught an exception thrown from an event handler. Throwing
exceptions from an event handler is not supported in Qt. You must
reimplement QApplication::notify() and catch all exceptions there.

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Akonadi::Exception'
  what():  Akonadi::Exception: No remote identifier specified
KCrash: Application 'akonadi_nepomuktag_resource' crashing...
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib64/kde4/libexec/drkonqi from kdeinit
ProcessControl: Application '/usr/bin/akonadi_nepomuktag_resource' returned
with exit code 253 (Unknown error)
Qt has caught an exception thrown from an event handler. Throwing
exceptions from an event handler is not supported in Qt. You must
reimplement QApplication::notify() and catch all exceptions there.

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Akonadi::Exception'
  what():  Akonadi::Exception: No remote identifier specified
KCrash: Application 'akonadi_nepomuktag_resource' crashing...
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib64/kde4/libexec/drkonqi from kdeinit
ProcessControl: Application '/usr/bin/akonadi_nepomuktag_resource' returned
with exit code 253 (Unknown error)
Qt has caught an exception thrown from an event handler. Throwing
exceptions from an event handler is not supported in Qt. You must
reimplement QApplication::notify() and catch all exceptions there.

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Akonadi::Exception'
  what():  Akonadi::Exception: No remote identifier specified
KCrash: Application 'akonadi_nepomuktag_resource' crashing...
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib64/kde4/libexec/drkonqi from kdeinit
ProcessControl: Application '/usr/bin/akonadi_nepomuktag_resource' returned
with exit code 253 (Unknown error)
"/usr/bin/akonadi_nepomuktag_resource" crashed too often and will not be

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