[kmail2] [Bug 305269] Cannot see new top-level IMAP folders

Karl-Johan Karlsson creideiki+kdebugs at ferretporn.se
Fri Apr 12 20:02:25 BST 2013


Karl-Johan Karlsson <creideiki+kdebugs at ferretporn.se> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|RESOLVED                    |REOPENED
         Resolution|FIXED                       |---

--- Comment #9 from Karl-Johan Karlsson <creideiki+kdebugs at ferretporn.se> ---
I'm still seeing this bug on KDE 4.10.2, built from source on Gentoo, and I've
rebooted after I installed it. Specifically to your patch, I'm running:

[I] kde-base/kdepim-runtime
     Available versions:  (4)^t 4.10.1^t{tbz2} (~)4.10.2^t{tbz2}
       {aqua debug google kolab}
     Installed versions:  4.10.2(4)^t{tbz2}(10:51:10 2013-04-08)(-aqua -debug
-google -kolab)

1. Right-click the IMAP server in the folder tree.
2. Select "Add Folder...".
3. As name, enter "Test".
4. Click "OK".

The new folder, correctly populated with Maildir subfolders, appears in the
IMAP server's file system.
The new folder does not appear in KMail's folder tree.
Right-clicking the server in IMAP server in the folder tree and selecting
"Update folder and its subfolders" makes no difference.
Exiting KMail, restarting Akonadi with "akonadictl stop", "akonadictl status"
until everything is in state "stopped", "akonadictl start", and restarting
KMail makes no difference.
Using another IMAP client to move an unread mail into the new folder makes no
The only place in KMail I can see the new folder is if I right-click the IMAP
server in the folder tree and select "Serverside Subscriptions...". I have
server-side subscriptions turned off, and toggling it makes no difference.
Attempting to create the folder again gives this error message: "Could not
create folder: Could not create collection Test resourceId: 6". This error
persist even after I remove the folder on the server.

Using "kdebugdialog" to enable everything matching "kdepim" and "kmail" gives
only the following output on creating a folder ("Test2" instead of "Test",
since I can't create a new "Test" even after removing it on the server):

akonadi_imap_resource_0(17320)/kdepimlibs (kimap) AddCollectionTask::doStart:
New folder:  "Test2"
kmail2(17355) KMKernel::instanceStatusChanged: A Resource started to
synchronize, starting a mail check.
Error during executing query "INSERT INTO CollectionTable (remoteId,
remoteRevision, name, parentId, resourceId, cachePolicyInherit, isVirtual)
VALUES (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6)" :  "columns parentId, name are not unique
Unable to fetch row"
akonadi_imap_resource_0(17320)/kdepimlibs (kimap)
RetrieveCollectionMetadataTask::doStart: ".Test2"
kmail2(17355) KMKernel::slotProgressItemCompletedOrCanceled: Last resource
finished syncing, mail check done
kmail2(17355) KMKernel::instanceStatusChanged: A Resource started to
synchronize, starting a mail check.
kmail2(17355) KMKernel::slotProgressItemCompletedOrCanceled: Last resource
finished syncing, mail check done
kmail2(17355) AkonadiSender::doSendQueued: Sending queued message with custom
transport: ""

That "Error during executing query" message is probably not related, since it
appears periodically in the terminal where Akonadi and KMail were started,
regardless of actions taken in KMail.

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