[Bug 297541] kaddressbook doesn't handle line breaks correctly in the notes field.

Kevin Krammer krammer at kde.org
Tue Apr 24 17:18:29 BST 2012


Kevin Krammer <krammer at kde.org> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|ASSIGNED                    |RESOLVED
   Version Fixed In|                            |4.8.3
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED
      Latest Commit|                            |http://commits.kde.org/kdep
                   |                            |imlibs/d0f37e740e1715d7b022
                   |                            |8da9912a43db8051fde6

--- Comment #6 from Kevin Krammer <krammer at kde.org> ---
Git commit d0f37e740e1715d7b0228da9912a43db8051fde6 by Kevin Krammer.
Committed on 07/04/2012 at 22:07.
Pushed by krake into branch 'KDE/4.8'.

Treat \N as a valid new line sequence in vcard input

The vCard RFC has a note on fields of type text that suggests that
both \n and \N are to be treated as new line sequences:

        . The method for specifying CRLF character sequences in text
          type values has been changed. The CRLF character sequence in
          a text type value is specified with the backslash character
          sequence "\n" or "\N".

Backport of f7a29b54327876508e834c407173084e0f626252
FIXED-IN: 4.8.3
REVIEW: 104509

A  +8    -0    kabc/vcardparser/tests/vcard8.vcf
A  +8    -0    kabc/vcardparser/tests/vcard8.vcf.ref
M  +1    -0    kabc/vcardparser/vcardparser.cpp


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