[Bug 205713] KOrganizerPart crashes the application when it is embedded to show an ICS file (on Krusader as example) [null QWidget::window, QWidget::topLevelWidget, KOrganizerPart, KPluginFactory::createPartInstance<KOrganizerPart>]

Marcin Gryszkalis mg at fork.pl
Sat May 7 22:04:10 BST 2011


Marcin Gryszkalis <mg at fork.pl> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |NEW
                 CC|                            |mg at fork.pl
     Ever Confirmed|0                           |1

--- Comment #13 from Marcin Gryszkalis <mg fork pl>  2011-05-07 23:04:07 ---
I cannot confirm this in KDE 4.6.2 and Krusader 2.3.0/git - do anybody still
see this in latest versions?

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