[Bug 163071] Crash when manipulating or deleting messages from inbox [KMail::FolderJob::msgList, KMAcctImap::ignoreJobsForMessage, KMMoveCommand::execute, KMCommand::slotPostTransfer]

Christophe Giboudeaux cgiboudeaux at gmx.com
Wed May 4 00:48:25 BST 2011


Christophe Giboudeaux <cgiboudeaux at gmx.com> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|aaniao002 at gmail.com,        |
                   |achim_schaefer at gmx.de,      |
                   |aejokinen at gmail.com,        |
                   |andrea-tag at teletu.it,       |
                   |andresbajotierra at gmail.com, |
                   |andrew.dorrell at gmail.com,   |
                   |armware at gmail.com,          |
                   |art.alexion at verizon.net,    |
                   |asherbina at hotbox.ru,        |
                   |AWillms at uoguelph.ca,        |
                   |axel at asc-computer.com       |
                 CC|beneriehm at gmail.com,        |
                   |bero at arklinux.org,          |
                   |beyond.serenity at gmail.com,  |
                   |bjoern at ruberg-wegener.de,   |
                   |boomer_st at gmx.de,           |
                   |bph214 at nyu.edu,             |
                   |bradgers at gmail.com,         |
                   |brent.gregory.roth at gmail.co |
                   |m, calcifer at runbox.com,     |
                   |christian.kapeller at gmx.net, |
                   |clara.schuster at gmx.at       |
                 CC|cniehaus at kde.org,           |
                   |code933k at gmail.com,         |
                   |crglasoe at gmail.com,         |
                   |cs007lj at gmail.com,          |
                   |dalez at zeutenhorst.com,      |
                   |david.mears at suddenlink.net, |
                   |david at readingroom.com,      |
                   |dev at naturalnik.de,          |
                   |devid2g at gmail.com,          |
                   |dglent at gmail.com,           |
                   |dmw at coder.cl,               |
                   |eljefedelito at gmail.com      |
                 CC|elric at elric.com,            |
                   |EMuede at netscape.net,        |
                   |evan at tunixman.com,          |
                   |fante76 at gmail.com,          |
                   |fbianco at swisslinux.org,     |
                   |fe-pavel at yandex.ru,         |
                   |fedora at deadbabylon.de,      |
                   |felix_michel at gmx.ch,        |
                   |fischer at unix-ag.uni-kl.de,  |
                   |forsuspicioussenders at gmail. |
                   |com, fschmitt at stanford.edu  |
                 CC|G.r.v.kroon at gmail.com,      |
                   |g.real.ate at gmail.com,       |
                   |gapon007 at gmail.com,         |
                   |gburus at wp.pl,               |
                   |gdarecki at gmail.com,         |
                   |gianted at cheapnet.it,        |
                   |greg.martyn at gmail.com,      |
                   |hattab at front.ru,            |
                   |henningfernau at yahoo.de,     |
                   |hereldar at gmail.com,         |
                   |jaejah at yahoo.com,           |
                   |jarosser06 at gmail.com        |
                 CC|javi.azuaga at gmail.com,      |
                   |jdonbook at gmail.com,         |
                   |jsamyth at gmail.com,          |
                   |jure at hehe.si,               |
                   |kai at kaishome.de,            |
                   |kavol at seznam.cz,            |
                   |kde-bugzilla at thequod.de,    |
                   |kde at justnews.ru,            |
                   |kde at kolivas.org,            |
                   |kde at randomguy3.me.uk,       |
                   |kdebugs at nexustech.co.za,    |
                   |kdebugs at tuxick.net,         |
                   |kdebugs at twilo.de            |
                 CC|kisa_co at ukrpost.net,        |
                   |Konqui at gmx.de,              |
                   |laurent at ksperis.com,        |
                   |lemma at confuego.org,         |
                   |lexpublic at gmail.com,        |
                   |lezamal at gmail.com,          |
                   |lkml at ds.gauner.org,         |
                   |lord_rittler at web.de,        |
                   |loxza at hotmail.com,          |
                   |luqueti01 at yahoo.com.ar,     |
                   |mail at eliasprobst.eu,        |
                   |marc.johannot at bluewin.ch    |
                 CC|marco at sonic.net,            |
                   |martin at fam-kar.de,          |
                   |matthew.mott at gmail.com,     |
                   |matthewgarbett at gmail.com,   |
                   |mchugh19 at yahoo.com,         |
                   |mehulrajput at gmail.com,      |
                   |mh+kde-bugs at zugschlus.de,   |
                   |mhall at mhcomputing.net,      |
                   |mhlavink at redhat.com,        |
                   |michael.seiwert at gmx.de,     |
                   |mjjeff at aol.com              |
                 CC|mpagano at gmail.com,          |
                   |mprizee at laposte.net,        |
                   |mrdocs at scribus.info,        |
                   |neoclust.kde at free.fr,       |
                   |nik8pol at gmail.com,          |
                   |niklas at niklasmoran.com,     |
                   |ninja at slaphack.com,         |
                   |nksallem at gmail.com,         |
                   |notdefine at gmx.de,           |
                   |olivier.lahaye1 at free.fr,    |
                   |p92 at free.fr,                |
                   |patrick.noffke at gmail.com    |
                 CC|per.lindahl at gmail.com,      |
                   |pete at muddygoat.org,         |
                   |piovisqui at gmail.com,        |
                   |plr.vincent at gmail.com,      |
                   |ra.be.baerlin at googlemail.co |
                   |m, ranc0ur at web.de,          |
                   |Regnaron at web.de,            |
                   |remco.bloemen at gmail.com,    |
                   |roberto.galeazzi at gmail.com, |
                   |rod at sheaffbrooks.plus.com,  |
                   |sb.trashmail at gmail.com      |
                 CC|scunizi at cox.net,            |
                   |sebastiangarciahelguera at gma |
                   |il.com, sebovick at gmail.com, |
                   |sethhikari at gmail.com,       |
                   |shohamlevy at gmail.com,       |
                   |slux83 at gmail.com,           |
                   |sts at gmx.de,                 |
                   |tcaswell at gmail.com,         |
                   |thiago.na.almeida at gmail.com |
                   |, tim at tim-richardson.net,   |
                   |tkinyua at gmail.com           |
                 CC|tobyfox at gmail.com,          |
                   |ultrabla at gmail.com,         |
                   |ve.ru at triosolutions.at,     |
                   |w.richert at gmx.net,          |
                   |wandereroffullmoon at gmail.co |
                   |m, wes at wesdeviers.net,      |
                   |woebbeking at kde.org,         |
                   |zonken at web.de               |

--- Comment #212 from Christophe Giboudeaux <cgiboudeaux gmx com>  2011-05-04 01:48:18 ---
cleaning the CC list.

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