[Bug 153411] Random crash after retrieving message with IMAP (in KMail::ISubject::notify)

Christophe Giboudeaux cgiboudeaux at gmx.com
Sat Jul 9 11:19:17 BST 2011


Christophe Giboudeaux <cgiboudeaux at gmx.com> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|alistair at devzero.co.uk,     |
                   |andresbajotierra at gmail.com, |
                   |arthur.titeica at gmail.com,   |
                   |bjorn.helgaas at hp.com,       |
                   |boldak.prasek at gmail.com,    |
                   |bonejon at hotmail.com,        |
                   |buddhi1980 at gmail.com,       |
                   |bugs.kde.org at vpanel.cjb.net |
                   |,                           |
                   |bugzilla_kde at penguinpee.nl, |
                   |burnsito at gmail.com          |
                 CC|camhilljap at gmail.com,       |
                   |cibanezc at gmail.com,         |
                   |cliffhanger at gmx.li,         |
                   |cnu at cnu.no-ip.com,          |
                   |craig.magina at canonical.com, |
                   |ctvoigt at t-online.de,        |
                   |daniel.subs at internode.on.ne |
                   |t, diaxen at free.fr,          |
                   |djarvie at kde.org,            |
                   |finex at finex.org,            |
                   |floeschie at gmx.net           |
                 CC|frederic.gonieaux at gmail.com |
                   |, giecrilj at stegny.2a.pl,    |
                   |giuliano.torrente at gmail.com |
                   |, greg.martyn at gmail.com,    |
                   |grundleborg at googlemail.com, |
                   |hh.kde.crash at gmail.com,     |
                   |jh.lohfert at googlemail.com,  |
                   |kde at kolivas.org,            |
                   |linuxbeep at gmail.com,        |
                   |lvella at gmail.com,           |
                   |marco at sonic.net             |
                 CC|marko.gabriel.cz at gmail.com, |
                   |master.swarky at gmail.com,    |
                   |matti.valovirta at gmail.com,  |
                   |nik8pol at gmail.com,          |
                   |ninja at slaphack.com,         |
                   |nisavid at gmail.com,          |
                   |ogrizzly at gmail.com,         |
                   |p92 at free.fr,                |
                   |philotech at gmail.com,        |
                   |pierpaolo.franco at gmail.com, |
                   |piovisqui at gmail.com         |
                 CC|q.quark at gmail.com,          |
                   |rayl at mail.com,              |
                   |redaly at atlanticbb.net,      |
                   |Regnaron at web.de,            |
                   |richard-bugs at nod.at,        |
                   |roger.luedecke at gmail.com,   |
                   |rtavenar at hotmail.com,       |
                   |ruchir.brahmbhatt at ecosmob.c |
                   |om, spawels13 at gmail.com,    |
                   |spiffariffic at gmail.com,     |
                   |swoop at swoop.dk              |
                 CC|tim.klassen at gmail.com,      |
                   |wkristan at gmail.com,         |
                   |yodor at developer.bg          |

--- Comment #83 from Christophe Giboudeaux <cgiboudeaux gmx com>  2011-07-09 10:19:04 ---
Clearing the CC list. The issue is fixed in kdepim > 4.6

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