[Bug 193514] Crash when activating plugin [[Kontact::Plugin::identifier], Kontact::MainWindow::activatePluginModule, Kontact::MainWindow::setActivePluginModule, KontactApp::newInstance]
Christophe Giboudeaux
cgiboudeaux at gmx.com
Thu Dec 22 18:55:44 GMT 2011
Christophe Giboudeaux <cgiboudeaux at gmx.com> changed:
What |Removed |Added
CC| |rupert at dl3no.de
CC|abelius at gmail.com, |
|abhish.tomar at gmail.com, |
|adrien.futschik at gmail.com, |
|andresbajotierra at gmail.com, |
|andrew.dorrell at gmail.com, |
|ang at liquid.cz, |
|arheco at OnLinePresence.pro, |
|armware at gmail.com, |
|artur.matczak at gmail.com, |
|bas89 at cpbmail.de, |
|basu123ra at gmail.com |
CC|bauer.andi at gmx.de, |
|bgodusky at pcprotechs.com, |
|bugs.kde.org at sjau.ch, |
|bve at gmx.de, |
|c0der at muenchen-mail.de, |
|carfersa3 at msn.com, |
|cgenie at gmail.com, |
|crglasoe at gmail.com, |
|dmw at coder.cl, |
|dseres at freemail.hu, |
|eljefedelito at gmail.com, |
|extravagant at gmx.de |
CC|f.de.kruijf at gmail.com, |
|ferdommar at hotmail.com, |
|flo.w.121at at gmail.com, |
|floeschie at gmx.net, |
|florian.reinhard at googlemail |
|.com, |
|fmontserrat at yahoo.com, |
|forum at traxbyte.de, |
|frederic.coiffier at free.fr, |
|fschmitt at stanford.edu, |
|gapon007 at gmail.com, |
|gdarecki at gmail.com |
CC|gianted at cheapnet.it, |
|gks.1202 at gmail.com, |
|gordon.holtslander at usask.ca |
|, harryl at owc.net, |
|hatem.masmoudi at gmail.com, |
|honkir at seznam.cz, |
|j.mairboeck at gmail.com, |
|jens at kdewebdev.org, |
|jgorkos at wildcatwireless.net |
|, jon at skanes.ca, |
|jonas at buerse.de, |
|jos at ardispark.nl |
CC|juan.csdc at gmail.com, |
|kai at kaishome.de, |
|karaluh at karaluh.pl, |
|kde-bugs at clandon.freeserve. |
|co.uk, |
|kde-bugs at junk.thecamel.de, |
|kde at opensource.sf-tec.de, |
|kde at rusu.info, |
|kdebug at marcss.gotadsl.co.uk |
|, kilem86 at gmail.com, |
|kontakt at jakubrusinek.pl, |
|kontrik at ua.fm |
CC|lenordistedu59 at hotmail.fr, |
|lftabera at yahoo.es, |
|linux at osit.cc, |
|m.novikov at gmx.net, |
|mads at dydensborg.dk, |
|mail at matlechner.de, |
|malte.gerth at googlemail.com, |
|mannequinZOD at abwesend.de, |
|marcus at harrisonland.co.uk, |
|mark_grant at btinternet.com, |
|maumar at datalogica.com |
CC|mrdr at gmx.com, |
|n.behrendorff at uq.edu.au, |
|neoclust.kde at free.fr, |
|nisavid at gmail.com, |
|o-z at arcor.de, p92 at free.fr, |
|peter.spanik.sk at gmail.com, |
|peterroots at gmail.com, |
|ph.fondrillon at yahoo.fr, |
|piotr.golonka at cern.ch, |
|radovid at gmail.com, |
|ranc0ur at web.de |
CC|rico.puerto at gawab.com, |
|robby.engelmann at igfs-ev.de, |
|robert.downing at guardian-shi |
|eld.com, |
|robert.schneider at maroxx.at, |
|romain.pub at laposte.net, |
|rossi.f at inwind.it, |
|rvoinea at gmail.com, |
|scunizi at cox.net, |
|sedo_5 at alice.it, |
|spamtolove at gmx.de |
CC|steffenkoch81 at googlemail.co |
|m, sts at gmx.de, |
|superaphke at gmail.com, |
|sven.burmeister at gmx.net, |
|sven at fischer-abc.de, |
|t.m.guymer at thomasguymer.co. |
|uk, thilo at ginkel.com, |
|thinkliberty at gmail.com, |
|tigertownpc at gmail.com, |
|torbjoern.k at googlemail.com, |
|uglyog at gmail.com |
CC|upscope at nwi.net, |
|virusmiurasv at hotmail.com, |
|wheel at herr-der-mails.de, |
|wuseldusel at yahoo.de, |
|zaynyatyi at gmail.com |
--- Comment #191 from Christophe Giboudeaux <cgiboudeaux gmx com> 2011-12-22 18:46:22 ---
*** Bug 289403 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
--- Comment #192 from Christophe Giboudeaux <cgiboudeaux gmx com> 2011-12-22 18:46:53 ---
Clearing the CC list
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