[Bug 140549] templates for forwarding does not work with emails from mailinglists
Volker Krause
vkrause at kde.org
Thu Feb 1 13:40:12 GMT 2007
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------- Additional Comments From vkrause kde org 2007-02-01 14:40 -------
SVN commit 629114 by vkrause:
Merged revisions 626135-629113 via svnmerge from
https://vkrause svn kde org/home/kde/branches/KDE/3 5/kdepim
r626312 | toma | 2007-01-22 21:19:10 +0100 (Mon, 22 Jan 2007) | 3 lines
Backport of trunk commit 626306 by vkrause:
more tolerant parsing of broken headers
r626502 | coolo | 2007-01-23 15:33:15 +0100 (Tue, 23 Jan 2007) | 3 lines
having a different accel for plural is nonsense, sorry
(removes one string as it's correct some lines below)
r626701 | dfaure | 2007-01-24 12:27:51 +0100 (Wed, 24 Jan 2007) | 3 lines
Better avoid
error while opening "*.{h,cpp}" for reading: No such file or directory
r626915 | winterz | 2007-01-25 00:09:52 +0100 (Thu, 25 Jan 2007) | 7 lines
Put back this patch that got lost somewhere along the way.
Written by Jakob and approved/committed by Till several years ago.
Fixes "Paste into selected To, CC, BCC fields keeps old contents"
CCBUGS: 54020
r627092 | wstephens | 2007-01-25 18:07:15 +0100 (Thu, 25 Jan 2007) | 7 lines
This patch uses the resource's own KABC::Lock to lock the cache file, which inhibits the file_copy operation that causes the error. The resource detects its cache is locked after having loaded the cache, but before refreshing the cache.
The result of adding this lock is that if two processes are simultaneously reloading the resource, the winner will first load the cached version (call it C-1) and then load C0 after fetching it. The loser will load C-1, encounter the lock and stop. On the next iteration, Winner gets C1 and Loser gets C0.
So the result of the lockstep is that loser is at most out of date by one version of the resource. A better synchronisation would be if we had distributed locks so that Loser is notified when Winner releases its lock and then loads the fresh cache file.
r627230 | kainhofe | 2007-01-26 05:06:46 +0100 (Fri, 26 Jan 2007) | 4 lines
Don't write out empty, invalid or superfluous fields. If we have an empty organizer, an invalid URI would be generated. Fields like Sequence, CLASS, etc. have a default value (defined in rfc 2445), so we don't have to write that default value out and grow the icalendar file even more....
BUG: 140624
r627323 | scripty | 2007-01-26 08:02:46 +0100 (Fri, 26 Jan 2007) | 1 line
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file)
r627419 | kainhofe | 2007-01-26 15:35:23 +0100 (Fri, 26 Jan 2007) | 5 lines
Work around Windows-isms. RFC 2445 clearly says that all linebreaks are always \r\n, even under Unix, where \n is used for text files. Just because windows apparently adds the \r automatically, when you add a \n, does not mean that other platforms will do the same. Here in Linux, the file contains exactly what you put into the char*, which is a \n only and thus invalid.
CCMAIL: libical softwarestudio org
BUG: 140650
r627420 | kainhofe | 2007-01-26 15:35:38 +0100 (Fri, 26 Jan 2007) | 5 lines
Work around Windows-isms. RFC 2445 clearly says that all linebreaks are always \r\n, even under Unix, where \n is used for text files. Just because windows apparently adds the \r automatically, when you add a \n, does not mean that other platforms will do the same. Here in Linux, the file contains exactly what you put into the char*, which is a \n only and thus invalid.
CCMAIL: libical softwarestudio org
BUG: 140650
r627541 | kainhofe | 2007-01-27 00:55:11 +0100 (Sat, 27 Jan 2007) | 6 lines
When loading any url/uri (attachments, audio alarm files, procedure alarm application), make sure we load it as utf8 and not latin1.
By default, QString(const char*) treats the string as latin1, so we need to use QString::fromUtf8 instead.
BUG: 140688
r627548 | winterz | 2007-01-27 01:32:53 +0100 (Sat, 27 Jan 2007) | 3 lines
somehow this part of the templates feature merge got lost
r627641 | winterz | 2007-01-27 16:04:37 +0100 (Sat, 27 Jan 2007) | 4 lines
Fix for the grave bug "kmail crash when I make a CTRL + J in inbox"
BUGS: 140660
r627763 | winterz | 2007-01-28 01:47:52 +0100 (Sun, 28 Jan 2007) | 7 lines
merge SVN commit 627761 by winterz:
Fix bug "Add icons for context menu on address in readerwin"
Thanks for the patch Mikolaj. Hey, we only took 3+ years to commit it! :)
BUGS: 66740
r627911 | wstephens | 2007-01-28 16:54:12 +0100 (Sun, 28 Jan 2007) | 1 line
take skipped lines into account when reporting line number
r627913 | wstephens | 2007-01-28 16:56:03 +0100 (Sun, 28 Jan 2007) | 1 line
Fix indentation
r627914 | wstephens | 2007-01-28 16:56:41 +0100 (Sun, 28 Jan 2007) | 1 line
Add testcases for iCalendar generated by Evolution
r628136 | winterz | 2007-01-29 10:46:58 +0100 (Mon, 29 Jan 2007) | 5 lines
Fix for "find journals doesn't display journal title".
Thanks for the patch Lars.
BUGS: 132947
r628168 | dfaure | 2007-01-29 12:15:13 +0100 (Mon, 29 Jan 2007) | 3 lines
Laurent started kmail for a brand new user, and oh surprise, there were two actions in the Folder menu
with the label "foo"! Call updateFolderMenu after creating the actions.
r628300 | kossebau | 2007-01-29 18:57:21 +0100 (Mon, 29 Jan 2007) | 5 lines
added: context info to help with the for some translators ambigious term "address"
CCMAIL:kde-i18n-doc kde org
r628362 | kossebau | 2007-01-29 22:23:14 +0100 (Mon, 29 Jan 2007) | 1 line
s/IM/Instant messaging/g in i18n comment
r628406 | djarvie | 2007-01-30 01:45:43 +0100 (Tue, 30 Jan 2007) | 1 line
Fix start-of-day time being ignored for date-only alarms
r628408 | djarvie | 2007-01-30 01:49:03 +0100 (Tue, 30 Jan 2007) | 1 line
Fix start-of-day time being ignored for date-only alarms
r628518 | scripty | 2007-01-30 08:06:53 +0100 (Tue, 30 Jan 2007) | 1 line
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file)
r628565 | adridg | 2007-01-30 12:50:08 +0100 (Tue, 30 Jan 2007) | 1 line
Since the KMail homepage has moved into kontact.kde.org, it's a good idea to point there instead of the deprecated kmail.kde.org. Not a string change.
r628578 | wstephens | 2007-01-30 14:04:27 +0100 (Tue, 30 Jan 2007) | 4 lines
Refresh the pointer stored to the addressbook whenever KABLock::self() is called, otherwise we risk that StdAddressbook::close() has deleted the reference addressbook and invalidated the pointer.
r628742 | dmiceman | 2007-01-31 08:27:12 +0100 (Wed, 31 Jan 2007) | 4 lines
Create all inline forward messages as text/plain
CCBUG: 140549
_M . (directory)
M +1 -0 akregator/src/akregator_plugin.desktop
M +1 -0 akregator/src/eventsrc
M +1 -0 akregator/src/mk4storage/akregator_mk4storage_plugin.desktop
M +2 -2 certmanager/conf/kleopatra_config_appear.desktop
M +1 -1 certmanager/conf/kleopatra_config_dirserv.desktop
M +0 -1 certmanager/kleopatra_import.desktop
M +3 -1 kaddressbook/Makefile.am
M +5 -5 kaddressbook/addresseditwidget.cpp
M +0 -1 kaddressbook/csv-templates/kaddressbook.desktop
M +2 -2 kaddressbook/editors/imeditorwidget.cpp
M +1 -0 kaddressbook/editors/protocols/meanwhileprotocol.desktop
M +2 -2 kaddressbook/features/distributionlist.desktop
M +2 -2 kaddressbook/features/resourceselection.desktop
M +1 -1 kaddressbook/interfaces/kaddressbook_extension.desktop
M +1 -1 kaddressbook/interfaces/kaddressbook_xxport.desktop
M +2 -0 kaddressbook/kablock.cpp
M +1 -1 kaddressbook/kaddressbook_view.desktop
M +1 -1 kaddressbook/kcmconfigs/kabconfig.desktop
M +1 -1 kaddressbook/kcmconfigs/kabldapconfig.desktop
M +1 -1 kaddressbook/xxport/bookmark_xxport.desktop
M +2 -2 kaddressbook/xxport/csv_xxport.desktop
M +2 -2 kaddressbook/xxport/eudora_xxport.desktop
M +2 -2 kaddressbook/xxport/kde2_xxport.desktop
M +2 -2 kaddressbook/xxport/ldif_xxport.desktop
M +2 -2 kaddressbook/xxport/opera_xxport.desktop
M +2 -2 kaddressbook/xxport/pab_xxport.desktop
M +2 -2 kaddressbook/xxport/vcard_xxport.desktop
M +2 -1 kalarm/Changelog
M +3 -2 kalarm/kalarmapp.cpp
M +1 -1 kfile-plugins/rfc822/kfile_rfc822.desktop
M +0 -1 kmail/KMail.desktop
M +1 -1 kmail/aboutdata.cpp
M +0 -1 kmail/eventsrc
M +1 -1 kmail/kmail_config_appearance.desktop
M +3 -3 kmail/kmail_config_identity.desktop
M +1 -1 kmail/kmail_config_security.desktop
M +0 -1 kmail/kmail_view.desktop
M +8 -6 kmail/kmfolder.cpp
M +4 -5 kmail/kmmainwidget.cpp
M +9 -3 kmail/kmmessage.cpp
M +6 -6 kmail/kmreaderwin.cpp
M +1 -1 kmail/profiles/profile-default-rc.desktop
M +2 -2 kmobile/kmobile.desktop
M +1 -1 knode/knode_config_appearance.desktop
M +1 -1 knode/knode_config_identity.desktop
M +1 -1 knode/knode_config_read_news.desktop
M +1 -1 kontact/interfaces/kontactplugin.desktop
M +1 -1 kontact/plugins/kaddressbook/kaddressbookplugin.desktop
M +1 -1 kontact/plugins/kmail/kmailplugin.desktop
M +1 -1 kontact/plugins/knode/knodeplugin.desktop
M +1 -1 kontact/plugins/knotes/knotesplugin.desktop
M +1 -1 kontact/plugins/korganizer/kcmkorgsummary.desktop
M +1 -1 kontact/plugins/korganizer/korganizerplugin.desktop
M +1 -1 kontact/plugins/kpilot/kpilotplugin.desktop
M +1 -1 kontact/plugins/specialdates/kcmsdsummary.desktop
M +1 -1 kontact/plugins/specialdates/specialdatesplugin.desktop
M +2 -2 kontact/plugins/test/kptestplugin.desktop
M +1 -1 kontact/plugins/weather/weatherplugin.desktop
M +1 -1 kontact/src/Kontact.desktop
M +0 -1 kontact/src/kontactconfig.desktop
M +1 -1 korganizer/actionmanager.cpp
M +1 -1 korganizer/interfaces/calendar/calendarplugin.desktop
M +8 -5 korganizer/kolistview.cpp
M +0 -1 korganizer/korganizer.desktop
M +1 -1 korganizer/korganizer_configcolors.desktop
M +3 -3 korganizer/korganizer_configplugins.desktop
M +1 -1 korganizer/plugins/exchange/exchange.desktop
M +1 -1 korn/Makefile.am
M +1 -1 kpilot/conduits/vcalconduit/todo-conduit.desktop
M +1 -1 kresources/birthdays/kabc.desktop
M +19 -14 kresources/remote/resourceremote.cpp
M +28 -15 libkcal/icalformatimpl.cpp
M +1 -1 libkcal/incidence.cpp
M +2 -2 libkcal/libical/src/libical/icalcomponent.c
M +2 -2 libkcal/libical/src/libical/icalproperty.c
A libkcal/tests/data/Compat/Evolution_2.8.2_timezone_test.ics branches/KDE/3.5/kdepim/libkcal/tests/data/Compat/Evolution_2.8.2_timezone_test.ics#628742
A libkcal/tests/data/Compat/Evolution_2.8.2_timezone_test.ics.ical.ref branches/KDE/3.5/kdepim/libkcal/tests/data/Compat/Evolution_2.8.2_timezone_test.ics.ical.ref#628742
M +256 -272 libkcal/tests/data/Compat/KOrganizer_3.1.ics.ical.ref
M +42 -44 libkcal/tests/data/Compat/KOrganizer_3.1a.ics.ical.ref
M +83 -89 libkcal/tests/data/Compat/KOrganizer_3.2.ics.ical.ref
M +27 -29 libkcal/tests/data/Compat/MSExchange.ics.ical.ref
M +74 -89 libkcal/tests/data/Compat/Mozilla_1.0.ics.ical.ref
M +0 -1 libkcal/tests/data/RecurrenceRule/KAlarm_3.4/KAlarm_TestCase01.ics
M +0 -1 libkcal/tests/data/RecurrenceRule/KAlarm_3.4/KAlarm_TestCase02.ics
M +0 -1 libkcal/tests/data/RecurrenceRule/KAlarm_3.4/KAlarm_TestCase03.ics
M +0 -1 libkcal/tests/data/RecurrenceRule/KAlarm_3.4/KAlarm_TestCase04.ics
M +0 -1 libkcal/tests/data/RecurrenceRule/KAlarm_3.4/KAlarm_TestCase05.ics
M +0 -1 libkcal/tests/data/RecurrenceRule/KAlarm_3.4/KAlarm_TestCase06.ics
M +0 -1 libkcal/tests/data/RecurrenceRule/KAlarm_3.4/KAlarm_TestCase07.ics
M +0 -1 libkcal/tests/data/RecurrenceRule/KAlarm_3.4/KAlarm_TestCase08.ics
M +0 -1 libkcal/tests/data/RecurrenceRule/KAlarm_3.4/KAlarm_TestCase09.ics
M +0 -1 libkcal/tests/data/RecurrenceRule/KAlarm_3.4/KAlarm_TestCase10.ics
M +0 -10 libkcal/tests/data/RecurrenceRule/KAlarm_3.4/KAlarm_TestCases.ics.all
M +20 -21 libkcal/tests/data/vCalendar/KOrganizer_vCalTestCase01.vcs.ical.ref
M +20 -21 libkcal/tests/data/vCalendar/KOrganizer_vCalTestCase02.vcs.ical.ref
M +20 -21 libkcal/tests/data/vCalendar/KOrganizer_vCalTestCase03.vcs.ical.ref
M +21 -22 libkcal/tests/data/vCalendar/KOrganizer_vCalTestCase04.vcs.ical.ref
M +21 -22 libkcal/tests/data/vCalendar/KOrganizer_vCalTestCase05.vcs.ical.ref
M +19 -21 libkcal/tests/data/vCalendar/KOrganizer_vCalTestCase06.vcs.ical.ref
M +20 -21 libkcal/tests/data/vCalendar/KOrganizer_vCalTestCase07.vcs.ical.ref
M +20 -21 libkcal/tests/data/vCalendar/KOrganizer_vCalTestCase08.vcs.ical.ref
M +20 -21 libkcal/tests/data/vCalendar/KOrganizer_vCalTestCase09.vcs.ical.ref
M +20 -21 libkcal/tests/data/vCalendar/KOrganizer_vCalTestCase10.vcs.ical.ref
M +21 -22 libkcal/tests/data/vCalendar/KOrganizer_vCalTestCase11.vcs.ical.ref
M +20 -21 libkcal/tests/data/vCalendar/KOrganizer_vCalTestCase12.vcs.ical.ref
M +21 -22 libkcal/tests/data/vCalendar/KOrganizer_vCalTestCase13.vcs.ical.ref
M +4 -4 libkcal/tests/readandwrite.cpp
M +13 -9 libkcal/tests/runtestcase.pl
M +18 -19 libkdepim/addresseelineedit.cpp
M +4 -1 libkmime/kmime_util.cpp
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