Questions about kdenlive

Julius Künzel julius.kuenzel at
Sun Mar 2 09:01:54 GMT 2025

Hi Lukas,

thanks for reaching out! The team size is indeed the problem why we unfortunately have very long response times to bug reports.

Given that we are for the most part volunteers working in our free time and the size of the user base, the scope and popularity of the app we simply have not enough capacity to deal with everything we would need to.

(We are always looking for new contributors. Your issue perfectly illustrates that you do not need to write code, triaging bugs for example would a huge help too)

For your point 2.: this is a bug. Kdenlive should convert old projects correctly hence please report it. There are some tips on how to get a crash log (backtrace) on this page

However please also try with the latest version ie. 24.12.x

BTW I suspect the root cause under the hood might be something else for the crash, because one project corrupting another completely unrelated project is unlikely.

I hope that helps,

01.03.2025 20:24:34 Lukas Rainbow <mvmmodding at>:

> Hello Kdenlive Team,
> Apologies if I'm taking up your time or asking questions that have already been answered on your website, but I wanted to reach out personally regarding a few concerns.
> The following points are all related to the editing software:
> _*1. Bug Reporting*_
> I'm not sure how big the team behind Kdenlive is, so I don’t know if this is the reason, but my bug report seems to have been completely ignored.
> I submitted it on the official Kdenlive bug report website around three months ago and have yet to receive a response. As I mentioned, this could be due to team size limitations or higher-priority tasks, but I wanted to bring it up again. /(Bug ID: 495683)/
> _*2. Version Saving Incompatibility*_
> Somehow, I managed to corrupt my save file simply by opening it. Here's what happened:
> I was editing a video for about two hours (on version *24.08.2*) and wanted to add an audio spectrogram filter to the master effects. To check my settings, I opened another project file that was saved in an older Kdenlive version (*22.04.2*).
> It turns out that opening an older version does not actually convert or update it to the newer version, despite what the software states. When I attempted to open the master effects tab, Kdenlive crashed. This crash also corrupted my other project (the one in version *24.08.2*) even though they were unrelated. The crash persists no matter what I try, and examining the file does not reveal any solutions. Additionally, Kdenlive does not provide any crash logs or error messages regarding this issue.
> I believe there should either be an option to manually convert or upgrade project files or a fix for this issue to prevent data loss.
> ----------------------------------------
> Again, I apologize if I am asking about something that has already been addressed. However, since I couldn’t even get an assigned assistant for my bug report, I decided to reach out via email.
> There are a few other minor inconveniences, but those are more personal preferences, so I’ll leave them out for now.
> I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
> Best regards,
> Lukas
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