Changed project resolution, now rendering "corrupted"

B.M. b-misc at
Mon May 13 16:56:39 BST 2024

PS: Another problem is, that each render job starts with "Waiting..." for many
minutes, for some if them it's more "waiting" then "rendering"... I already
removed unused clips from the project. Switching from Proxy clips to not using
them might improve this "Waiting..." period, but then opening my project file
after a crash takes much much longer...

On Montag, 13. Mai 2024 17:45:36 CEST B.M. wrote:
> Hi
> I just realized that my project had the wrong settings: instead 4K UHD I had
> started with 4K DCI, so it's a bit wider than I wanted.
> So I decided to change the project resolution to 4K UHD and I got some "size
> & alignment problems", maybe especially where I used transform.
> So far so good and expected... I saved this version with a new file name and
> corrected all such errors.
> Then I started rendering this new version. And I got many such errors again.
> Basically, while within kdenlive itself, everything is fine, when rendered
> I get the errors.
> Unfortunately this is also true for the old versions, so before I changed
> the project resolution.
> 1. Why is this the case? I didn't expect that and don't understand it.
> 2. Is there a working "way back"? I don't like the idea to completely start
> from scratch with this video...
> Thank you.
> Best regards,
> Bernd

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