Many crashes when rendering

B.M. b-misc at
Mon May 13 16:51:03 BST 2024


I'm currently trying to get a finished project out of kdenlive (latest version,
appimage), and I see frequent crashes (without any reason for me).

Basically, I split the project into several sequences and try rendering them
independently. Due to the crashes I started also rendering sequences in
several parts (regions).

The problem is:
With each crash I also loose my render queue. Which is really bad if crashes
happen at night, loosing also hours of potential rendering... I mean, I'm
trying to render about 1 h of 4K movie on a ~10 year old machine (1 fps...)

In order to get rid of the "one kills all" dependency I'd like to use render
scripts. But how is this possible (or is it possible at all) with an kdenlive

Thanks for your help.


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