FW: Clipchamp

Paul Brown paul.brown at kde.org
Thu Feb 16 20:45:58 GMT 2023

On Wednesday, 8 February 2023 11:41:47 CET Jamie Birnie wrote:
> Hi
> I'm the training manager at the Guinness partnership and I'm considering the
> use of Kdenlive to enable video development in order to diversify in our
> training offer.
> Am I right in thinking there is a free version of Kdenlive, and is it okay
> to use it corporately/commercially ?
> Thanks in advance
> Jamie Birnie
> Partnership Training Manager
> Mental Health First Aider

Hello Jamie,

It is indeed perfectly okay to use Kdenlive in a corporate and commercial 
context, and we look forward to hearing about how it goes.

If you have any questions or require any support to successfully use Kdenlive 
in the courses, please let us know and we will be glad to assist you.

Kindest Regards

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