Rendering with chapters

jk.kdedev at jk.kdedev at
Mon Mar 21 17:57:24 GMT 2022

Hi Bernd,

sorry for the late reply! I think there is no such feature yet, even though I am not sure what kind
of chapters you are talking about? Some more information like your target output format would be
helpful! In 22.04 (release by the end of April) there will be new feature to use guides as
separators to render multiple files. If you want to try it, you can check out the nightly build
available on However I guess this is not finally what you are
looking for???

BTW If not already done, I recommend you to open a feature request on to make sure we don't forget about your wish…



February 10, 2022 3:56 PM, "B.M." <b-misc at> wrote:

> Hello
> Is there a way to render the final movie with guides as chapters? Or should I
> render each zone individually and then use ffmpeg to both concat them and add
> chapter markings?
> Thank you.
> Best,
> Bernd

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