Kdenlive corruption and rendering crashes

Eric Jiang erjiang at alumni.iu.edu
Sat Jul 16 22:16:50 BST 2022

Hi all,
I've been looking over the bugs filed against Kdenlive in Bugzilla and
Gitlab, and also at user questions on Reddit. I've been seeing two big
areas where Kdenlive is unreliable and giving many users, especially
new users, a negative experience:

* Rendering crashes: rendering crashes every time at x% or near the end
* Project corruption: when a project is reopened, there is a missing
producer and/or edits are shuffled around and work is lost

I've personally experienced project corruption multiple times.
Unfortunately, neither of these problems are easy to reproduce or come
with a stacktrace.

Has anyone looked into these issues in the past and maybe knows what
the causes might be? Hoping that we already have some insight into
what's happening and next steps.


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