Divi Editor on Kdenlive.org seemed to be bugged out

Tyson Tan tysontan at tysontan.com
Wed Feb 17 08:12:49 GMT 2021

Hi team,
My apology in advance that I might have triggered some kind of bug in 
Divi Editor on Kdenlive.org and it's now kinda broken.

The following was what I've done before it went haywired:
1) Added some English pages to Divi Library
2) Load those pages from Divi Library to Chinese pages
3) Changed the button text of Install/Standalone on Chinese Download 

To my surprise, although I have only changed the button texts on Chinese 
Download page, it somehow changed (and broke) the buttons for every 
lanmguage -- I've never touched those pages, you can check the revision 

Not only that, I now can't edit anything in Divi Editor by clicking the 
"Gear" icon. The dialogue just wouldn't open. I've cleared browser 
cachees, change browsers, but that didn't work either.

Again I'm deeply sorry for triggering the weirdness on our website. 
Please look into this issue ASAP, because the Windows download links are 
now broken on every page.

Best wishes,
Tyson Tan

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