Chinese translation for Kdenlive's official website

Tyson Tan tysontan at
Mon Feb 15 08:50:01 GMT 2021

Hi Kdenlive team,

Something went wrong with my last reply so it didn't show up on the 
mailing list. Please allow me to open a new conversation.

Here is the Word file for's Simplified Chinese translation:

And in case a plain-text version is prefered:

(They are also in the attachments)

I've provided Simplified Chinese translations for most non-technical 
pages. Pages are separated by lines made up of # marks. If a paragraph 
has a link, I have attached the link text and its translation below it, 
for you to idendify them easier.

Please note that you must install a CJK font to display the translated 
CJK letters properly. On ArchLinux, I recommend the "noto-fonts-cjk" 
package. If you decided to use the Plain text version, DO NOT use a web 
browser to view it -- the letters will be decoded incorrectly (although 
they might look like CJK letters). Please use Kate to open the file 

BTW, Since you are using Wordpress for the website, is it possible to 
assign me as an editor, so that I handle the translation by myself? I've 
been doing this for for a few years now, I'm familiar with 
Wordpress + Polylang. I can finish translating the whole website 
(without the blogs of sourse) in a day or two that way, and you don't 
need to match all the items afterward.

My KDE Identity is tysontan tysontan at

I've also opened a Merge Request on with 
many string disambiguations that is essential to improve translations 
for CJK languages. If you have time, please review and merge my request 
so that I can finish the last bit of translation imperfections. Thanks!

P.S. please call me Tyson, that's my first name.

Best wishes,
Tyson Tan
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