Kdenlive issues with big projects

farid abdelnour snd.noise at gmail.com
Sun Aug 29 20:24:03 BST 2021


Em sáb., 28 de ago. de 2021 às 00:11, Mehdi Haghgoo <
powergame_coder2 at yahoo.com> escreveu:

> Hi
> I have been working on a quite big project recently in Kdenlive with
> hundreds of clips and a timeline over two hours.
> I have noticed some problems in this project that didn't show up in my
> small projects before.
> First, in a big project like this, the spacer tool has a significant lag
> to move items on the timeline, probably because the operation is not
> asynchronous. It would be good it it moves the items right away and shows
> a progress bar to the user to wait in order to be more user friendly.

We are aware of a lag in certain situations as you state. As Camilles
pointed out, there is a possible fix if you can manage to compile it:
Feedback is appreciated.

> Second, when starting to render the project, especially with HEVC profile
> and medium speed preset, the job queue shows "Waiting" for a very long
> time, even more than 6 hours.
> You think it's not doing anything, but it's working the CPU and adding to
> the output file size. I finally canceled a job after 8 hours to find out
> that the render was almost done, the vide was playable near the end of the
> file.

Could you please compare with the daily flatpak build please? I suspect it
could be a packaging issue. Here are the instructions:

Add the kde flatpak repository (if not already done) by typing:
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists kdeapps --from

Install kdenlive nightly with:
flatpak install kdeapps org.kde.kdenlive

Use flatpak update to update if the nightly is already installed.
Attention! If you use the stable kdenlive flatpak already, the *.desktop
file (e.g. responsible for start menu entry) is maybe replaced by the
nightly (and vice versa).You can still run the stable version with:
flatpak run org.kde.kdenlive/x86_64/stable

and the nightly with:
flatpak run org.kde.kdenlive/x86_64/master

(replace x86_64 by aarch64 or arm depending on your system)

> I hope these are good suggestions and bug pointers for future releases.
> Here are my system info:
> OS: Fedora 34
> Kdenlive: 21.11.70 AppImage
> Best regards,
> Mehdi

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