Custom font style for subtitles

vincent vincent at
Sat Aug 28 21:48:18 BST 2021

Hi Mehdi,

As far as I know, it is not (yet). However, you can use html font tags.
Instead of just typing text, you could do:

|<font color="red" face="Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif" size="+1">Subtitle 
text here</font>|

However, you would have to do that for each subtitle clip, so it would 
be good to either put this in a text editor on the side (so you can copy 
and paste).



Op 28-08-2021 om 22:24 schreef Mehdi Haghgoo:
> Hi Kdenlive developers and users,
> I have been enjoying the subtitle editor tool in Kdenlive that I used 
> to miss in old versions a fews years ago. I can add, import, export 
> srt subtitles.
> However, I don't see a way of customizing font style for subtitles I 
> want to burn to the videos. Is subtitle styling supported in Kdenlive?
> Best regards,
> Mehdi
met vriendelijke groet,

Vincent Groeneveld
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