Registering frei0r plugin.

Massimo Stella maxstar at
Sun Aug 15 18:34:27 BST 2021

Yes, the reason why is blocked is that without the option to set an 
absolute reference position the effect is not usable inside kdenlive.

I've tried to use the standard keyframe ui via xml but I wasn't able to 
make it work but I'm not an actual coder.

The bgsubtract0r is parto of the:
"" code and you can find the specific effect in 
the "frei0r/src/filter/" folder after you have clone it.

I hope this can help.

Thanks in advance.


------ Messaggio Originale ------
Su  Domenica, 15 Ago, 21 At 6:29 PM, Andre 
Caldas<andre.em.caldas at> da:

> The frei0r effects have to be added to  /usr/lib/frei0r-1

I am following this:

And melt can find it just fine. I think it is great that one can
install plugins locally. :-)

> The xml UI has to be written as described at the link you told me:
> and it has to be added to /usr/share/kdenlive/effects/

 From the same link:
"Kdenlive parses the effect folder at each startup, so that if you
have an XML file describing a new effect, just copy it to your
~/.kde/share/apps/kdenlive/effects/ folder and restart Kdenlive to
enable the new effect."

I have seen videos where people say that you have to install it system
wide. I have never tested locally, but I am very reluctant. :-)

> [...] I can tell you that something similar already exists.
> It's the frei0r.bgsubtractor which is now blacklisted
> [...] Actually, this effect works pretty well, and it could be used 
> for achieving your goal.

This is really great news!

> The issue is that it takes the “reference” frame automatically,

Is this the reason it is "blocked"?

> [...] It could be fixed if we can set the “reference” by using
> a frame in the clip through an absolute position .

I will try to fix it, then.
Does anyone know if the "keyframe" parameter has a working GUI?

> I've reported this issue here 
> but nobody has tried to fix it yet so far.
> Maybe you can go forward with your effect and/or try to edit the
> frei0r.bgsubtractor too and make it finally work.
> This second option could be really great news.

Some 20 years ago, I would go with my own solution. I will try to fix
the bgsubtractor. I will try to figure which project it belongs to, so
I can clone the repo.

André Caldas.
- Por que altera a ordem natural da conversação!
- Por que não?
- Eu não gosto, não.
- Você gosta quando copiam a mensagem original ao final do e-mail?

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