XML: Properties jumping around

amindfv at mailbox.org amindfv at mailbox.org
Mon Oct 5 23:35:34 BST 2020

I keep my .kdenlive projects in git, meaning I get diffs of changes.

I notice that when I add effects to clips, the properties in the MLT XML often jump around.

As an example:

When I add a GPU effects > Pan and Zoom effect and then change the pan, I'll see diffs like this:

+  <property name="audio_index">1</property>
+  <property name="video_index">0</property>
+  <property name="mute_on_pause">1</property>
+  <property name="mlt_service">avformat-novalidate</property>
   <property name="meta.media.nb_streams">2</property>
   <property name="meta.media.0.stream.type">video</property>
   <property name="meta.media.0.stream.frame_rate">24</property>
   <property name="meta.media.sample_aspect_num">1</property>
   <property name="meta.media.sample_aspect_den">1</property>
   <property name="aspect_ratio">1</property>
-  <property name="audio_index">1</property>
-  <property name="video_index">0</property>
-  <property name="mute_on_pause">1</property>
-  <property name="mlt_service">avformat-novalidate</property>

The properties are exactly the same, they've just jumped to a different place in the XML (a place that's not semantically significant afaik - the ellipses above just skip other properties).

The same happens with Motion > Speed and a few others I've tried.

To reduce diff noise it would be nice to prevent jumps like these - is that easy to fix?


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