Boxing important part of a frame

Massimo Stella maxstar at
Fri Jun 26 12:18:11 BST 2020

Hi Mehdi.
There are different ways In Kdenlive to acheive the result you have 
One is cropping the picture with the Crop, Scale, Tilt filter, same as 
you did, and to put in a lower track underneath the cropped object what 
you want to see around it ( the same video treated in another way, a 
solid color, a pattern, a gradient, a picture, another video, something 
blurred, etc or whatever you need to show).
Another way to do this is to use the Rectangle Alpha Mask (this is the 
specific tool for rectagular borders in Kdenlive) which creates a square 
mask around the object generating trasparent border to fill, as in the 
previous example, with anything you put under it.
As you can see, the only parameters you have to set (same as for the 
cropping filter) are the dimension of the borders. So it's pretty 
Another option, if you need to create a free shape, is the use of the 
An Automask filter with tracking exists as well, but only to pixelate 
objects like people faces.
These are the tools you generally find in other main professional 
applications too, to achieve this kind of result.


I was trying to signify an important part of a video for around 5 
seconds by putting a color rectangle around it but I couldn't find any 
built-in effect to achieve this. 
Finally, I duplicated a cropped section of video just the size I wanted 
to signify, colorized it and put it over the normal track. This did the 
job but I was hoping there should already be an effect for this. 

Is there an effect to colorize/signify/amplify only a portion of a 
frame/track that I'm unaware of? 

Best regards

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