Align to Audio does not show processing status in GUI

Alistair Riddoch alriddoch at
Sun Sep 22 20:20:50 BST 2019

It's surprising to the user if a process is running in the background that
will alter the timeline once it completes, but gives no visual indication
that it is running. If you change to another workspace while this is
happening, how can you tell whether the process is still running, or
whether it has failed? Presumably you just have to guess based on the
elapsed time?

On Sun, Sep 22, 2019 at 8:12 PM andres tello <andres.tello at> wrote:

> Because is running at the background...
> On Sun, Sep 22, 2019 at 2:10 PM DogFilm <videobrain at> wrote:
>> The status bar does not show a process indication, it just give some
>> information when the process is completed. While the process is running I
>> do not see any kind visual feedback.

Alistair Riddoch
alriddoch at
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