Bug with "selected zone" render that only affects non-official builds

Alistair Riddoch alriddoch at googlemail.com
Mon Oct 14 21:51:41 BST 2019

Thanks Vincent, I'll give that a try.


On Mon, Oct 14, 2019 at 8:23 PM Vincent Pinon <vpinon at kde.org> wrote:

> Le lundi 14 octobre 2019, 19:42:18 CEST Alistair Riddoch a écrit :
> I have come across a bug which affects rendering a selected zone, but does
> not occur when using the Appimages downloaded from kdenlive.org. I am
> uncertain whether to file a bug in the tracker, as I'm guessing it is
> actually a problem with a dependency. I'll describe it here, and I'm happy
> to file it properly, and help resolve if that seems appropriate.
> I'm using Fedora 30 and the bug is present in all the binaries I have
> built from source since some time during 19.04. I have built from the
> release labels, from the 19.08 branch, and from head and seen the same
> problem in each case. The bug is also present in the semi-official rpm
> package from RPM Fusion. The installed Melt is mlt-6.16.0, and is comon to
> all recent affected builds.
> The bug is that when I render a "selected zone" of the project, the output
> of the render is not the correct length, and doesn't contain the correct
> range of the project output. Very frequently the output is only 1 or 2
> frames long, and renders almost instantly, despite the selected zone being
> much longer.
> Repro steps:
>    1. Create or load a project with some clips on the timeline.
>    2. Define in in-point on the project time line which is _not_ at time
>    00:00:00.
>    3. Define an out-point on the project time line which is after the
>    in-point.
>    4. Open the Render dialog.
>    5. Select "selected zone".
>    6. Format does not appear to matter, but I have only tested with WAV
>    and MP4.
>    7. Press "Render to File".
> Expected Result: The output video is the range of the project selected.
> Actual Result: The output video is apparently random in length, and not
> obviously directly related to the selected zone.
> I attach a project file which is a trivial repro case for the bug, and the
> mp4 file I got when I tried to render a 2 second zone from the middle of
> this project. The actual output is 2 frames long, and is not correct for
> the start of the selected zone.
> Please let me know if more information is required, or if I can do
> anything else to help fix the bug.
> Keep up the good work!
> Al--
> Alistair Riddoch
> alriddoch at googlemail.com
> http://alistairriddoch.org/
> Hi Alistair,
> Try to build MLT from git, I believe it has commits fixing this bug (in
> June, seen on 19.04 releases, using the new consumer xml tag) :
> 690d3ed55f98d8e31affb1b5dbc84c6948248099 - Pass the consumer's in/out
> properties when using movit or multi consumer
> 434dbcf62048cc1220c425c2adc77697b4d40ffb - Fix multi consumer doesn't
> correctly handle in point
> Cheers,
> Vincent

Alistair Riddoch
alriddoch at googlemail.com
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