Devs, Please Consider This Request

farid abdelnour snd.noise at
Fri Oct 11 18:01:20 BST 2019


Em sex, 11 de out de 2019 às 11:52, Anthony Walter <sysrpl at>

> I saw a new version of Kdenlive is available. Devs, will you please
> consider adding this feature?
> The feature above allows scrollbars in several areas to be used both for
> zooming and scrubbing through timelines. It also shows you at a glance
> the length of a clip or sequence.
> With this feature you can change the zoom level of a timeline by simply
> dragging at either end of a scroll associated with a timeline, or scrub
> through the timeline by clicking and dragging a scrollbar in the middle.

It is a cool feature, Blender has something similar...

If this feature was considered before and rejected, would you be
> considerate enough to recap how that decision was arrived at?
> If this feature might be added would you be so kind as to indicate its
> priority?

Don't think it is going to be rejected but there are not enough devs and we
have some priorities atm. Among them OpenTimelineIO integration and an
audio mixer to name a few. Not to mention small usability issues and other
improvements. The good thing is that it seems to be a low hanging issue so
hopefully someone interested in the project might feel like getting their
feet wet.

> Thanks.


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