Multiple timelines and timeline imbrication

farid abdelnour snd.noise at
Wed Nov 27 14:43:32 GMT 2019

Hi Loïc

Em seg., 25 de nov. de 2019 às 21:29, <lv at> escreveu:

> Dear Kdenlive Team,
> Do you consider timeline refactoring stable enough to implement timeline
> imbrication (and the possibility to add multiple timelines to a project)
> ?

Yes, this is in the roadmap. Hopefully we manage to get it in for the 20.04
or 20.08 release.

Only one timeline limit Kdenlive usage for editing short films. When you
> have a lot of material, it's not easy to manage a project with only one
> timeline.
> There is also 2 (small) uncomfortable behaviors :
> - when you play a media then move the cursor on the timeline, the
> playing action continue (it will be more comfortable to stop playback
> when the cursor is moved).

This has been fixed in master branch, hopefully it makes it for next 19.12

- when you select precisely an image with the keyboard arrows then you
> want to cut (X tool) at the selected frame, you need actually to
> zoooooom in to be sure that the cut will apply at the current image.

As others have said you can use "shift + r", I personally have mapped the
shortcut to just "r". Definitely we can improve the usability of this

> It's a common feedback from Kdenlive users at the École d'Art d'Uccle
> (in Brussels) where there is 30 students from 12 to 60 years old using
> Kdenlive as main editor for their films.

Nice to hear. Say hello from the Kdenlive team to all and do share their
edits when you can. :)

> Very happy to see Kdenlive becoming better and more stable on every
> release. Thank you for your work.

Yes, definitely it hasn't been a year since the new code is out and it has
improved a lot. Next versions are very promising. Stay tuned. :)

> Loïc Vanderstichelen


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