Can't get Kden live back to default.

Douglas Pollard dougpol2 at
Mon Jun 17 15:18:34 BST 2019

I have made 80 some videos using Kdenlive over a number of years and 
about once a year or so I get the project bin and or the effects or 
compositions out of place  or hidden usually. I usually click configure 
Tool bars and click default and I get them back but sometimes all out of 
place. Sometimes I can't get them back as original that's a pain but it 
does work. I am running in Mint so now and then I delete Mint along with 
Kdenlive and start all over with a new default kdenlive. Is there an 
easy way to get Kdenlive as it was when I originally installed her. I 
have wasted a couple days trying to correct this a few times. If I have 
trouble with this new users must be driven nuts by this.      Thanks, 
Doug Pollard

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