audio normalize

jdd at jdd at
Thu Jul 4 21:44:41 BST 2019

Le 04/07/2019 à 22:03, Daniil V. Kolpakov a écrit :

> Edit the project in Kdenlive using unnormalized video clips you have,
> then render using audio-only profile to a .wav file, then normalize the
> file using an audio editor (for example the Audacity as suggested), then
> open up the kdenlive project again, add an empty audio track, put the
> edited wav to this track right from the beginning of the timeline, then
> mute or remove original sound track. I do it all the time (although
> using Ardour not Audacity).
two things:

* why use an other editor when kdenlive (seems to) already have the 
tool, apart if you say the tool is broken

* there is a much simpler workflow

when I happen to have a source already cut (for example if I made only 
short clips), I use this script


rep="mp4-hd" ;
mkdir  $rep ;

for a ; do
	b=`echo "$a" | cut -d'.' -f1` ;
	ffmpeg -i $a -af loudnorm -ar 44100 -b:v 12000k -movflags faststart 
$rep/$b.mp4 ;

notice the "loudnorm" option.



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