Piano roll

Ivano Da Milano chicochetal at gmail.com
Sat Feb 9 17:13:41 GMT 2019

No, I made confusion.
In my idea, piano roll clips should be treated as sound, so effects are
applied to the output sound

Il giorno sab 9 feb 2019, 18:08 Tobiasz Karoń <unfa00 at gmail.com> ha scritto:

> Oh yeah, I miss a master bus a lot...
> I managed to calibrate my levels so I don't get clipping, and I get sane
> LUFS values for YouTube, but yeah... I'd love at least a hard-coded master
> limiter that'd show gain reduction. Fast Lookahead Limiter LADSPA is pretty
> good.
> On Sat, Feb 9, 2019, 18:02 Daniil V. Kolpakov <dan at progmeistars.lv wrote:
>> On 09.02.2019 18:56, Tobiasz Karoń wrote:
>> > proper audio mixer (with an explicit master bus),
>> I'd second that; the lack of bus master means I can't drop the limiter
>> there and most of the time I end up exporting audio by-track to Ardour
>> and mixing there. Not a showstopper since there's a workaround, but a
>> quite important thing. Not so important as the deeper color depth though
>> :)
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