Piano roll

Ivano Da Milano chicochetal at gmail.com
Sat Feb 9 17:04:08 GMT 2019

I'd like both, if possible.
The fact is that KDENlive could do this, so I think it would be a good idea.

Il giorno sab 9 feb 2019, 17:56 Tobiasz Karoń <unfa00 at gmail.com> ha scritto:

> We don't have a better video editor than Kdenlive, but we have better DAWs
> than Kdenlive (which is not a DAW).
> There are great open-source music production programs around: Ardour,
> LMMS, Musescore, Qtractor.
> I don't think it'd be beneficial to make Kdenlive loose it's focus.
> I've been working on animations with Blender + Ardour over JACK transport
> - it's an interesting workflow, but sometimes it's easier to just focus on
> one aspect (visuals), finish it and then jump to the next one (audio).
> If I was to ask for something regarding audio in Kdenlive, I'd prefer LV2
> / VST plug-in support and a proper audio mixer (with an explicit master
> bus), not necessarily a MIDI sequencer :)
> Just my thoughts. BTW - here's my last video make with Kdenlive. I handled
> audio with Ardour.
> https://youtu.be/qistxioVgMw /
> https://pe.ertu.be/videos/watch/91fac3fc-a1fa-4b0a-8e14-1a3555ba1ef9
> - unfa
> sob., 9 lut 2019 o 16:39 Ivano Da Milano <chicochetal at gmail.com>
> napisał(a):
>> Discussion forward
>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>> From: Ivano Da Milano <chicochetal at gmail.com>
>> Date: sab 9 feb 2019, 14:58
>> Subject: Re: Piano roll
>> To: <powergame_coder2 at yahoo.com>
>> IIRC, the audio+video editor was Magix Music Maker 17, but now there's
>> separate video/audio products.
>> Il giorno sab 9 feb 2019, 10:15 Ivano Da Milano <chicochetal at gmail.com>
>> ha scritto:
>>> I know, I see, but KDENlive already supports audio processing, so this
>>> small addition would make it complete.
>>> Ardour, in example, provides some video support, but not for editing.
>>> I heard about a commercial audio workstation which also does video
>>> editing, but I can't recall its name.
>>> Il giorno sab 9 feb 2019, 10:01 Mehdi Haghgoo <
>>> powergame_coder2 at yahoo.com> ha scritto:
>>>> I don't think it is suitable to add a piano roll to a video editor.
>>>> They are way different.  And there are pretty good stuff for that,
>>>> including LMMS, Ardour,  etc.
>>>> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
>>>> <https://go.onelink.me/107872968?pid=InProduct&c=Global_Internal_YGrowth_AndroidEmailSig__AndroidUsers&af_wl=ym&af_sub1=Internal&af_sub2=Global_YGrowth&af_sub3=EmailSignature>
>>>> On Sat, Feb 9, 2019 at 12:26 PM, Ivano Da Milano
>>>> <chicochetal at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Kdenlive? Latest?
>>>> Il giorno sab 9 feb 2019, 09:52 Mehdi Haghgoo <
>>>> powergame_coder2 at yahoo.com> ha scritto:
>>>> Which suite?
>>>> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
>>>> <https://go.onelink.me/107872968?pid=InProduct&c=Global_Internal_YGrowth_AndroidEmailSig__AndroidUsers&af_wl=ym&af_sub1=Internal&af_sub2=Global_YGrowth&af_sub3=EmailSignature>
>>>> On Sat, Feb 9, 2019 at 12:22 PM, Ivano Da Milano
>>>> <chicochetal at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> The latter
>>>> Il giorno sab 9 feb 2019, 09:51 Mehdi Haghgoo <
>>>> powergame_coder2 at yahoo.com> ha scritto:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Do you mean new software should be developed or a new feature added to
>>>> a suite already in KDE?
>>>> Regards
>>>> Mehdi
>>>> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
>>>> <https://go.onelink.me/107872968?pid=InProduct&c=Global_Internal_YGrowth_AndroidEmailSig__AndroidUsers&af_wl=ym&af_sub1=Internal&af_sub2=Global_YGrowth&af_sub3=EmailSignature>
>>>> On Sat, Feb 9, 2019 at 12:19 PM, Ivano Da Milano
>>>> <chicochetal at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello everyone.
>>>> I'd like to suggest you to add a piano roll which uses synthesizers to
>>>> produce music.
>>>> Is this already planned?
>>>> If not, will this be added?
>>>> Big thanks if you do.
> --
> - Tobiasz 'unfa' Karoń
> www.youtube.com/unfa000
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