Selected zone rendering shorter than selected

Camille camille.moulin at
Wed Aug 14 10:46:58 BST 2019

Hi Rafał,

I use version 19.04.3 (rev. 6657c4f62) and rendering selected zone works 
as expected.

Can you try with a recent appimage to see if the same problem arises?

And can you try to create a minimal test case that would trigger the  
problem with your version ?



Le 14/08/2019 à 07:56, Rafal Lalik a écrit :
> Hi,
> I have a project which is like 8 minutes long.
> I select the zone which spans from 3:04:18 to 7:01:22 so it is circa 4
> minutes long. When opening render dialog and select the Selected Zone
> rendering, the video renders but is only 51 s long, ending exactly where
> I want but starting around 6:10. When I expand the selected zone e.g.
> one second in each direction, the rendered video is also longer by two
> seconds, but again, the end point is where I've choosen and beginning
> respectively 53 s earlier.
> I use the most recent git version, just recompiled 20 minutes ago.
> Any ideas?
> Is it a bug? Some regression? I think never used the select zone
> rendering after timeline refactoring, but before it I used it many times
> and worked always fine.
> Regards,
> Rafał

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