L'Ecole d'Art d'Uccle in Brussels use Kdenlive (and love it)

Jean-Baptiste Mardelle jb at kdenlive.org
Thu May 31 06:43:16 UTC 2018

On 29.05.2018 11:48, lv at loicvanderstichelen.com wrote:
> Thank you for your work on Kdenlive !!!
> Yesterday it was the end-of-year jury atl'Ecole d'Art d'Uccle in 
> Brussels <http://www.ecoleartuccle.be/> and some students are using 
> kdenlive since one year !

Thanks for your message! This is very  encouraging for our team to have 
that kind of feedback!

> As you can see, exports where made on the 18.08 beta 12 (risky 
> business :-)
> https://stanton.taidangao.org/apps/gallery/s/owoaKo2gsP3b9X3
> Waiting for a stable version with timeling refactoring because it's 
> just great !
> (just a minor bug -> I have to choose 'selected area' (and define an 
> area) instead of 'full sequence' because long projects are not fully 
> exported)

Well this is for sure very risky to work on the refactoring branch! But 
we hope to have soon a "real" beta that can be tested more widely. In 
the meantime I release beta13 that should fix the render full project issue.

Best regards

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